Best ways to clean food traps in teeth

Best ways to clean food traps in teeth

Food traps are places in your mouth where food particles can get stuck. They can appear on any tooth surface or in the gums. The trouble with these nooks and crannies of your mouth is that trapped food encourages the kinds of bacteria that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. In a clean mouth those types of bacteria can exist without causing trouble, but as soon as there’s old food lying around they get to work making trouble.

Taxonomy of Food Traps

  • Spaces between teeth
  • Large or small cavities,
  • Chips, cracks,
  • Broken fillings,
  • Naturally occurring grooves on the occlusal (chewing) surfaces of molars
  • Gum pockets
  • Braces
  • Removable dentures
taxonomy of food traps

How to tell if you have a food trap

You are probably aware of the most problematic food traps in your own mouth. Those spots where a fragment of carrot, a wad of chewed bread or a strand of celery often seems to get stuck. It nags at your attention after a meal, a tiny speck of leftovers that feels much bigger than it really is. You worry it with your tongue or poke at it with your fingernail but that’s not usually enough to get rid of that persistent feeling of something’s not quite right. Even if you get the most uncomfortable chunk of food out of the trap, an imperceptible residue can remain as an endless buffet for bacteria.

You may be better off getting a dental restoration to fill in the food trap, especially if there is active decay. Depending on the nature of the food trap, holistic healing strategies may help to resolve it eventually.

However, if you can’t (or won’t) close the food trap immediately, you can mitigate its risks by keeping your mouth spotlessly clean at all times. The best way to discourage the unhelpful bacteria staking out your food traps is to analyze those problem areas in your mouth, figure out the best way to keep each different kind of food trap clear and then get in the habit of deploying the most effective cleaning methods after every time you eat.


Best ways to clean food traps


Water flosser (oral irrigator) – best all round tool for all kinds of food traps, especially deep cavities and braces. Just don’t angle it straight into a gum pocket. When you are eating away from home, consider getting an inexpensive manual irrigator that is small enough to carry around for a discreet squirt in the bathroom after eating.


Intraoral brush (Pixter) – good for cleaning food traps in gaps, cavities or chips between teeth. They come in a range of sizes, so use the right size brush for each food trap and wash between uses.


Floss  – convenient for removing food from between teeth with tight contacts. Avoid plastic- coated floss (Oral B and the like) as these can embed microplastics in your gums, make sure you your flossing technique is safe and avoid using floss picks.


Oil pulling – can be effective especially if you have food trapped in a lot of parts of your mouth. Avoid oil pulling if you have amalgam or new fillings.



4 ways to clean food traps

Dodgy approaches to food traps


Toothpicks are not ideal because they can pack food deeper into a food trap. If you must use a toothpick, be very gentle and avoid poking your gums. Always use a fresh clean tip and toothpicks after one use.

Fingers and finger nails shouldn’t be used because they can spread germs, break up the food fragments or pack them in deeper.

Food traps
Meliors Simms headshot
Has a dentist told you that your cavities or receding gums are your fault because you are drinking too much Coke, you don’t floss enough or you need to stop breastfeeding your baby? And you know that isn’t true!

I’m a natural oral health coach and I’m not going to blame you or shame you.
The underlying causes of your oral health issues are not your fault!

Nature or nurture, ancestry or environment, free will or systemic oppression, unconscious emotions or the degraded food system are the factors that make your teeth and gums vulnerable to disease.

Even though your tooth decay and gum disease is not your fault, it is within your power to change.

I can help you to turn your oral health around with natural strategies, healthy habits and intuitive insights.

The Secret Lives of Teeth cover

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages of your teeth and gum symptoms!

The Secret Lives of Teeth is a clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments. 

Available as a paperback or ebook.

Stop tooth decay naturally

Holistic teeth healing is different from almost all the dental advice you’ve ever received.  It starts from the principle that the health of our teeth and gums is tied to the health of the rest of our body, in a two way interaction. In order, to understand holistic teeth healing strategies, you really have to understand how teeth, and the rest of your body, are connected.

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Best ways to clean food traps in teeth

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Vanishing Twin Tooth

Vanishing Twin Tooth

CW: The following article about lost twins includes mention of miscarriage and stillbirth. Be kind to yourself if this is a sensitive topic for you.

A lost twin and or vanished triplets may be more common than most people suspect.

Some, like Elvis Presley, got to spend their whole prenatal life snugged up in the womb with a sibling, only to lose their twin at birth.

Many more, like me, were conceived with a twin who died before anyone suspected their existence. To be conceived a twin and born a single baby is called Vanishing Twin Syndrome.

For a long time my only clues were an inexplicable sensation of loss and guilt that suffused my childhood. As puberty hit, I thought I was going mad with vivid otherworldly visions. In my early 20s with a meditation practice and therapeutic support I found relief when I could understand those visions and emotions as as prenatal memories.

Around 29, at the time of my Saturn Return, I had an unnecessary root canal in a perfectly healthy tooth 18. Due to a dental misadventure, one root canal turned into two root canals which soon both failed. Repeatedly. These lower left twin molars (teeth 18 & 19) ended up getting extracted (you can read the whole story in my book, The Secret Lives of Teeth).

It’s only in retrospect that I can interpret the metaphysical meanings of those troubled teeth, let alone understand them in the context of my unique framework of Tooth Archetypes.

Conception Tooth #18 Vanishing twin

The Secret Lives of Teeth

At the heart of my book, The Secret Lives of Teeth, are thirty-two detailed descriptions of archetypes that sum up the unique energetic imprint of each adult tooth. I developed these archetype descriptions from working with coaching clients to understand the metaphysical messages carried by symptoms in different parts of their mouths.

The Tooth Archetype for the lower left second molar is Conception. Symptoms in tooth 18 may be trying to reconnect you with a sense of unified love and ecstasy of your existence before birth.

As I wrote in my book, symptoms in tooth 18 are primarily communicating your relationship as a fetus/embryo with your mother, via the placenta. Ideally this all-encompassing connection was your original experience of human bonding. As such it is also mapped onto the relationship between your conscious mind and physical body.

However, since publishing The Secret Lives of Teeth, I’ve also found a connection with Vanishing Twin (or Triplet) Syndrome. Over my years as a holistic oral health coach, I would often have a breakthrough in my understanding of certain tooth archetypes when the same tooth would come up for discussion with several clients within a short time. This happened again a few months ago with tooth 18, the lower left second molar that I call the Conception Archetype.

The Secret Lives of Teeth cover

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages of your teeth and gum symptoms!

The Secret Lives of Teeth is a clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments. 

Available as a paperback or ebook. 

Secret Tooth Archetypes

Tooth Archetypes are like job descriptions. The Tooth’s Archetype is a role that stays as potential rather than presence unless the Archetype is activated. Then the job starts to actually get done and the role is filled. 

Tooth Archetype’s gets activated by your experience with three ‘S’s’: Silence, Secrets or Suppressed emotions. When one of the ‘S’s’ affects the qualities of a Tooth Archetype, that tooth may eventually, or immediately, start to try to get your attention.

Most people will only become aware of a tooth asking for attention when symptoms flare up i.e. decay or cavities, sensitivity or toothache, bleeding or receding gums. 

However, when you really pay attention to your mouth, you can become aware of a Tooth Archetype activating before it turns into a physical symptom.  You might be aware of a buzzing or tingling feeling, a sense of fullness, or just a feeling that is hard to describe in or around your tooth. 

The earlier you can engage with an activated Tooth Archetype, the easier it is to avoid, stabilize or even reverse damaging symptoms in your mouth. 


Tooth Archetypes

Lost Twin and Conception Archetype

Your lower left second molar may present with symptoms when something activates unconscious memories from your time in the womb. If the emotional energy of your mother around the time of your conception, as well as through the pregnancy and birth was influenced by secrecy, suppressed emotions or silence that could help explain later issues with tooth 18. 

For example, if you were an unplanned baby, or your parent’s circumstances were difficult, this tooth could be asking for attention. Tooth 18 can be vulnerable to feeling that you are unwanted, your timing is off, or that you are not good enough to belong.

Or maybe your tooth is reminding you of a vanished twin or lost triplet, asking for you be explore that experience and release any stuck emotions.  As a child you may have tried to explain feelings or ideas which could be related to a lost twin, but been shut down. Symptoms in tooth 18 may even be embodying resonances from an older sibling who was miscarried or stillborn, especially if they were never mentioned

The strength of this tooth is feeling an unconditional sense of being welcomed and loved, and believing your body is worthy of care.   You can support your tooth by sending it loving thoughts while you brush and floss every day. 

When you have current issues with your lower left second molar, you may decide to explore your prenatal life with meditation, journalling, counseling conversations, or other kinds of therapeutic practices. Develop a Healing Story for this tooth, which connects its metaphysical meanings with the unique circumstances of your early life, and current events.

If you can, ask your parents about the circumstances of your conception and pregnancy.

  • How was your mother’s emotional and physical health while she was carrying you?
  • Had she lost a baby to miscarriage, still birth or adoption before you were conceived?
  • Was there any sign (such as breakthrough bleeding) that you may have lost a twin?
  • Did she feel well supported during the pregnancy by her partner, family, friends, neighbors, and workplace?
  • Were there distressing world events or local news that made her feel unsafe or unsettled while pregnant with you?

Learn more about healing with Tooth Archetypes

Every single adult tooth has an Archetype, and there is a lot more to each Tooth Archetypes than even the discussion in this article. The Tooth Archetypes descriptions and framework are at the heart of my book, The Secret Lives of Teeth: Understanding emotional influences on oral health.

The Secret Lives of Teeth goes beyond the ‘spiritual meanings’ of teeth to engage with the oral effects of generational trauma, personal stress and adaptive emotional patterns.

It includes:

  • A unique and user-friendly system of Tooth Archetypes to guide you through the emotional landscape of your mouth explaining each adult tooth’s vulnerabilities and strengths.
  • An exceptionally in-depth explanation of Mouth Meridians, with a layperson’s guide to working with their energies.
  • A directory of Symptoms as Messengers to help translate the underlying influences on symptoms including abscesses, bruxism, cracks and chips, gingivitis, plaque, root canals, and receding gums.
  • A toolkit of self-help exercises to make it easier to develop a Healing Story which works with your symptom’s messages, to relieve symptoms and free yourself from shame and fear about your mouth.


The Secret Lives of Teeth cover

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages of your teeth and gum symptoms!

The Secret Lives of Teeth is a clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments. 

Available as a paperback or ebook. 

Meliors Simms headshot

Has a dentist told you that your cavities or receding gums are your fault because you are drinking too much Coke, you don’t floss enough or you need to stop breastfeeding your baby? And you know that isn’t true!

I’m not going to blame you or shame you.
The underlying causes of your oral health issues are not your fault!

Nature or nurture, ancestry or environment, free will or systemic oppression, unconscious emotions or the degraded food system

These are the factors that make your teeth and gums vulnerable to disease.

Even though your tooth decay and gum disease is not your fault, it is within your power to change.

You can turn your oral health around with natural strategies and healthy habits.

Political Teeth

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Fast, easy, and cheap bone broths

Fast, easy, and cheap bone broths

Bone broth is one of the most nutritious foods for oral health because it’s high in collagen for strong, flexible gum tissue and mineral-rich for remineralizing tooth enamel. It’s also inexpensive and easy to make yourself!

Whether you are a habitual bone broth brewer or you’ve never even tried, you can vary your broth to suit your priorities:


It’s all good!


Alt oral book review

Choose the bones

The best bones come from organic or wild animals.

For fast bone broth: Fish bones (and fish heads) make the fastest bone broth. The thinner the bones, the quicker they give up rich mineral goodness and fish bones only need up to an hour of simmering for an exceptionally nutritious broth.

(Chicken bone broth takes up to 24 hours of simmering and beef bones can simmer for up to 72 hours.)

For easy bone broth: Save your leftovers. Any time you roast a whole chicken, grill some T-bone steaks, or roast a leg of lamb you’ll have bones left over at the end.

Don’t throw them out! If you don’t want to make your broth immediately, store the bones in the freezer until you are ready.

For cheap bone broth: If you know someone who hunts or fishes, ask them if you can have the bones whenever they are successful. Otherwise look out for inexpensive bags of beef bones, fish heads, or chicken carcasses in the freezer section of your butcher or meat counter.

Choose the cooking container

The bigger your cooking container, the easier it is to make therapeutic quantities of broth on a regular basis.

For fast bone broth: If you have an instant pot (pressure cooker) you can make bone broth much more quickly than any other method!

For easy bone broth: If you have a slow cooker (crock pot) bone broth can be a set-and-forget cooking project.

For cheap bone broth: Use your biggest cooking pot and simmer on the lowest heat.

Choose the additions

Add a splash of vinegar to any broth to help draw out more of the nutrients.

For fast bone broth:  Make a bland broth with nothing but bones and water. Bland broth makes a good base for smoothies and any kind of cooking where you don’t want the broth flavor to dominate.

For easy bone broth: Use whatever fresh vegetables or herbs you happen to have available.

Onion, carrot, and celery are tried and true. Add bay leaf, thyme, and parsley for a Euro-flavor profile or ginger, garlic, and chilli for a more Asian-flavor profile. Or, even easier, add a stock cube for flavor.

For cheap bone broth: Keep a big sturdy ziplock bag in the freezer to collect vegetable scraps e.g. onion ends, carrot peels, leek leaves, and parsley stalks. Add any vegetables in your kitchen that are starting to get limp but not rotten, or vegetables from your garden that are over- or under-ripe or going to seed.

When you’re ready to cook withdraw a couple of handfuls at a time for a small broth batch or dump the whole bag to make a big broth. No need to thaw first.

Pro tip: chop the scraps into small pieces before you freeze them to release more flavor into the broth.

Alt oral book review

Choose what’s next

Once the broth is cooked, strain out all the solids. You can cook the bones again to simmer for another (less flavorful but still nutritious) broth.

For fast bone broth: make into a soup straight away by following your favorite recipe or adding some fresh vegetables to simmer until soft enough to blend or mash.

For easy bone broth: Transfer cooled broth to a jar in the fridge then heat up one cup at a time with a sachet or spoonful of miso paste for a hearty drink

For cheap bone broth:  Make broth in bulk to store in the freezer. Store in big containers for when you plan to make it into family-sized meals. Freeze in muffin cups for single serves or ice cube trays for when you just need a tablespoon of broth for a recipe. Transfer portions to a sealed bag once frozen so they’ll last longer.

For more simple suggestions for food to help regenerate teeth and gums check out

My delicious liver pate recipe

Cloud bread recipe

Golden milk

Alternatives to raw milk

Anti-cavity candy recipe

The Secret Lives of Teeth cover

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages of your teeth and gum symptoms!

The Secret Lives of Teeth is a clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments. 

Available as a paperback or ebook. 

Has a dentist told you that your cavities or receding gums are your fault because you are drinking too much Coke, you don’t floss enough or you need to stop breastfeeding your baby? And you know that isn’t true!

I’m not going to blame you or shame you.
The underlying causes of your oral health issues are not your fault!

Nature or nurture, ancestry or environment, free will or systemic oppression, unconscious emotions or the degraded food system

These are the factors that make your teeth and gums vulnerable to disease.

Even though your tooth decay and gum disease is not your fault, it is within your power to change.

You can turn your oral health around with natural strategies and healthy habits.

Getting Root Canals

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Sexy, sacred teeth healing diet

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Fast, easy, and cheap bone broths

Bone broth is one of the most nutritious foods for oral health because it's high in collagen for strong, flexible gum tissue and mineral-rich for remineralizing tooth enamel. It's also inexpensive and easy to make yourself! Whether you are a habitual bone broth brewer...

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Stop tooth decay naturally

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Cure Tooth Decay with Cloud Bread

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Raw milk alternatives

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Alt Oral Book Review: Dental Herbalism

Alt Oral Book Review: Dental Herbalism

Book Review: Dental Herbalism: Natural Therapies for the Mouth

by Leslie M Alexander and Linda A Straub-Bruce (2014)


Dental Herbalism deserves to be much more widely read than it seems to be, even within the small Alt-Oral books niche. Perhaps the name is off-putting for some, which is a shame because there is so much more in this comprehensive volume than just herbs.

There are chapters covering everything from ‘pregnancy, infants and toddlers’ to ‘tooth loss, replacement and orthodontics’.

There is also practical and reassuring advice about working with dental professionals, home oral hygiene practices and nutrition.


Alt oral book review


The two authors, a registered hygienist and a medical herbalist respectively, have written a detailed herbal materia medica for the mouth- their guide to using 41 different herbs (from Arnica to Yarrow) to effectively address 49 oral health conditions (from Acid Reflux to Xerostomia [dry mouth]).


Should you read it?

Backed with extensive scientific references and enhanced with helpful checklists, conversions and tables of correspondences, this is a book I wish I could have read thirty years ago.

With this book to hand, experienced herbalists can expand their repertoire of teeth and gum remedies, while those who are new to using herbs are guided to safely treat themselves and their families with easy-to-access herbal treatments.

The Secret Lives of Teeth cover

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages of your teeth and gum symptoms!

The Secret Lives of Teeth is a clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments. 

Available as a paperback or ebook.

Has a dentist told you that your cavities or receding gums are your fault because you are drinking too much Coke, you don’t floss enough or you need to stop breastfeeding your baby? And you know that isn’t true!

I’m a natural oral health coach and I’m not going to blame you or shame you.
The underlying causes of your oral health issues are not your fault!

Nature or nurture, ancestry or environment, free will or systemic oppression, unconscious emotions or the degraded food system are the factors that make your teeth and gums vulnerable to disease.

Even though your tooth decay and gum disease is not your fault, it is within your power to change.

I can help you to turn your oral health around with natural strategies, healthy habits and intuitive insights. 

Alt oral book review

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Political Teeth

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Spiritual meaning of central incisors

What are Tooth Archetypes

Tooth Archetypes are a powerful way for you to understand and work with emotional and energetic influences on oral health, to help you avoid unnecessary dental interventions and have better experiences with any necessary treatements.

Different parts of your mouth are aligned with different aspects of the truth of your innate goodness, the gifts of your ancestors and the highest potential of your humanity. Tooth decay, gum disease and other symptoms can be understood as alarms calling your attention to blocked energy that has been getting in the way of your full power and potential.

Each of the thirty-two teeth has an Archetype that consolidates and extends existing metaphysical frameworks for teeth including Mouth Meridian energy channels, Dr Michele Caffin’s psychosocial framework, Dr Christian Beyer’s neurological framework etc.

It’s a unique framework that I developed from working with my natural oral health coaching clients and I have written about in my new book: The Secret Lives of Teeth: Understanding emotional influences on oral health.

Secret Tooth Archetypes

Tooth Archetypes are like job descriptions. The Tooth’s Archetype is a role that stays as potential rather than presence unless the Archetype is activated. Then the job starts to actually get done and the role is filled. 

Tooth Archetype’s gets activated by your experience with three ‘S’s’: Silence, Secrets or Suppressed emotions. When one of the ‘S’s’ affects the qualities of a Tooth Archetype, that tooth may eventually, or immediately, start to try to get your attention.

Most people will only become aware of a tooth asking for attention when symptoms flare up i.e. decay or cavities, sensitivity or toothache, bleeding or receding gums. 

However, when you really pay attention to your mouth, you can become aware of a Tooth Archetype activating before it turns into a physical symptom.  You might be aware of a buzzing or tingling feeling, a sense of fullness, or just a feeling that is hard to describe in or around your tooth. 

The earlier you can engage with an activated Tooth Archetype, the easier it is to avoid, stabilize or even reverse damaging symptoms in your mouth. 

NB The tooth chart shown is not a mirror image i.e. the left side of the chart shows the right side of your mouth. 

Tooth Archetypes Central Incisors

Tooth Archetypes of Central Incisors

Incisors may carry the residue of your infancy, toddler and preschool years. They reflect how your caregivers socialised you and what you learned about how to be a member of your family, your community and the human race. The front teeth often have a lot to say about what you learned in those early years about gender, so the Tooth Archetype can be activated by different issues depending on your gender identity and experience.

The two upper central incisor Tooth Archetypes represent your earliest caregivers, and their relationship with each other. If you only had one caregiver, or none, these teeth can reflect parental absences in  your infancy; or how a single parent embodied each of the archetypal roles.

The upper left tooth 9 is the Nurturer archetype which may reflect your body image and how you were taught about caring for your physical body and well-being. Your relationship with the caregiver who fed, cleaned and dressed you is represented by this tooth.

The upper right tooth 8 is the Leader Archetype which may reflect your relationship with a parent who brought home resources from the wider world, provided boundaries for your protection and who showed you how to relate with people outside of the family.

The lower incisors reflect the habits, patterns and beliefs that you internalised from your infancy and early childhood. These two teeth have a strong toddler energy!

The lower right central incisor tooth 25 is the Beast Archetype which has a very impulsive momentum kind of energy. This archetype reflects your feelings and experiences of taking action on your desires, no matter the consequences.

The lower left central incisor tooth 24 is the Doll Archetype which may embody a people pleasing energy of passive compliance. This Tooth Archetype may reflect the consequences of being good at the expense of your own authentic well-being.

Infographic about lower right incisor tooth's metaphysical associations
Infographic about lower left incisor tooth's metaphysical associations


Learn more about Tooth Archetypes

Every single adult tooth has an Archetype, and there is a lot more to each Tooth Archetypes that the central incisor examples in this article and the video above. The Tooth Archetypes descriptions and framework are at the heart of my book, The Secret Lives of Teeth: Understanding emotional influences on oral health.

The Secret Lives of Teeth goes beyond the ‘spiritual meanings’ of teeth to engage with the oral effects of generational trauma, personal stress and adaptive emotional patterns.

It includes:

  • A unique and user-friendly system of Tooth Archetypes to guide you through the emotional landscape of your mouth explaining each adult tooth’s vulnerabilities and strengths.
  • An exceptionally in-depth explanation of Mouth Meridians, with a layperson’s guide to working with their energies.
  • A directory of Symptoms as Messengers to help translate the underlying influences on symptoms including abscesses, bruxism, cracks and chips, gingivitis, plaque, root canals, and receding gums.
  • A toolkit of self-help exercises to make it easier to work with your symptom’s messages, relieve symptoms and free yourself from shame and fear about your mouth.


Has a dentist told you that your cavities or receding gums are your fault because you are drinking too much Coke, you don’t floss enough or you need to stop breastfeeding your baby? And you know that isn’t true!

I’m not going to blame you or shame you.
The underlying causes of your oral health issues are not your fault!

Nature or nurture, ancestry or environment, free will or systemic oppression, unconscious emotions or the degraded food system

These are the factors that make your teeth and gums vulnerable to disease.

Even though your tooth decay and gum disease is not your fault, it is within your power to change.

You can turn your oral health around with natural strategies and healthy habits.

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How to brush your teeth better

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Spiritual Reasons for Gum Disease

Understanding the spiritual meaning of gum disease The spiritual meanings of gum disease symptoms are often overlooked, yet working with these messages often holds the key to effective healing.  Gingivitis, periodontal or gum disease often begins with gum recession or...

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Removing Root Canals

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Be a DJ for your oral microbiome

Be a DJ for your oral microbiome

Oral microbiome battleground?

I term I often see the oral microbiome described as a battleground where you fight a daily battle against invading Bad Bacteria or Thug Bugs (my favourite term, from the lovely folks at Ora Wellness).
This military analogy, while evocative, is sometimes be used to justify some very harsh treatments that may disrupt the oral microbiome, erode enamel, or harm gum tissue.


Don't battle your oral microbiome

Imagine an inviting oral microbiome

When I speak with my clients about their teeth, gums and oral microbiomes, I prefer metaphors that evoke lush lawns, colorful coral reefs, co-operative communities, or joyful celebrations. Imagery and language matter. 

For example, imagine that you are hosting a huge party in your mouth for the billions of microscopic inhabitants of your oral microbiome.

Most of the kinds of bacteria and their friends that live in your mouth are Good People. They help with your digestion and immunity, they support your enamel to remineralise and the gingiva to regenerate.

These guests are all having a good time, either up dancing or moving around the room being friendly and thoughtful.

But also attending your party are a few kinds of bacteria who act like anti-social kids, especially when they lurk in dark corners, eat too much sugar, talk trash, and pick fights.

As the host, you want to stop those anti-social guests from spoiling anyone else’s good time or messing up the venue.

What should you do?

celebrate your oral microbiome


Avoid collatoral damage to the oral microbiome

Gargling with an alcohol-based antibacterial mouthwash is the equivalent of throwing a grenade into the party just to subdue a few naughty guests: lots of collateral damage to all the good bacteria.

More targeted alternatives like Corsodyl, hydrogen peroxide, or even essential oils can be almost as indiscriminate and disruptive to the party in your mouth.


In contrast, swishing your mouth with water or a simple herbal rinse is like putting on an irresistible tune that gets everyone onto the dance floor, even those corner-lurkers and sugar-junkies who might behave badly if left to their own devices.



When everyone in your oral microbiome is dancing around, the decay-causing and gum-disease-causing bacteria don’t get a chance to get hide along your gumline or between your teeth to make trouble and spread bad vibes.


DJ for your oral microbiome

Has a dentist told you that your cavities or receding gums are your fault because you are drinking too much Coke, you don’t floss enough or you need to stop breastfeeding your baby? And you know that isn’t true!

I’m not going to blame you or shame you.
The underlying causes of your oral health issues are not your fault!

Nature or nurture, ancestry or environment, free will or systemic oppression, unconscious emotions or the degraded food system

These are the factors that make your teeth and gums vulnerable to disease.

Even though your tooth decay and gum disease is not your fault, it is within your power to change.

You can turn your oral health around with natural strategies and healthy habits.

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