The Secret Lives of Teeth Global Book Award Bronze

The Secret Lives of Teeth

Understanding emotional influences on oral health

An indispensable new book by Meliors Simms, the Holistic Tooth Fairy

Winner of Bronze Medal in the Global Book Awards (Health Mind and Body Category)

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages

of your teeth and gum symptoms.

This clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments.

Have you ever wondered whether there’s more to oral health than regular brushing or avoiding sugar?

Or whether there’s an emotional or spiritual meaning to tooth decay or gum recession?

Or why dental problems sometimes rise and fall with stress?

The Secret Lives of Teeth addresses these kinds of questions from spiritual, psychological and energetic perspectives. 
As a holistic oral health coach, I have supported hundreds of people around the world to avoid unnecessary dental procedures (and have positive experiences when treatment is necessary) by working with the unique healing story told by their symptoms
Now you can do the same for yourself.

Listen to me read the Introduction to The Secret Lives of Teeth aloud (with subtitles).

Or download and read a free sample of the Introduction plus half of Chapter One. 

This is the book I’ve been looking for, for the past two decades! I have done extensive research into teeth over many years, including from physiological, dietary, emotional, trauma-informed, psychospiritual and metaphysical perspectives, and yet Meliors’ book gave me information that I had been looking for and had never found. Reading it, I had insights that brought deep clarity, and I also cried a lot in a way that brought relief and release. If you are wanting to understand the deeper meaning of your teeth issues, I so highly recommend this beautifully written book. I’m so excited that there are two more coming!
Marion Rose

PhD., Psychospiritual Mentor.

The Secret Lives of Teeth goes beyond New Age ‘spiritual meanings’ of teeth to engage with the oral effects of generational trauma, personal stress and adaptive emotional patterns. 

It includes:

  • A unique and user-friendly system of Tooth Archetypes guides you through the emotional landscape of your mouth explaining each adult tooth’s vulnerabilities and strengths.
  • The most comprehensive, in-depth explanation of Mouth Meridians (aka tooth meridians).
  • A directory of Symptoms as Messengers to help translate the underlying influences on symptoms including abscesses, bruxism, cracks and chips, gingivitis, plaque, root canals, and receding gums.
  • A toolkit of self-help exercises makes it easy to work with your symptom’s archetypes and messages and free yourself from shame and fear about your mouth.
The secret lives of teeth reviews

Read The Secret Lives of Teeth to explore a new, complementary way to respond to the question of why this person has these symptoms at this time.

With a deeper focus on oral health symptoms than Louise Hay’s Heal Your Life,  my book is written in inclusive, gender-neutral language, and avoids inferring blame for emotional or behavioural influences on symptoms.

With a broader approach to healing than Ramiel Nagel’s Cure Tooth Decay,  my book offers a new, effective and inspiring approach to oral health that connects your mouth with the rest of your body, mind and soul.

The Secret Lives of Teeth: Contents

Chapter 1: Root Cause provides context to explain how oral health can embody your emotional experiences as a member of your family, community and society. This chapter tells the story of my personal dental troubles, and how I learned how to use holistic strategies to save my remaining teeth.

Chapter 2: Cabinet of Curiosities offers a new perspective on the familiar anatomy, biology and physiology of your mouth. Understand how stress, trauma and emotional patterns can affect oral health and well-being through the lens of recent neurobiological research. The concepts, language and imagery of your mouth’s physiological features can become a powerful metaphysical tool for healing the physical body.

Chapter 3: A Manifesto for Metaphysical Healing is offered as guard rails to help keep you safe as you apply metaphysical theories to individual experiences. The principles provide practical advice to follow as you read the following chapters.

Chapter 4: Mapping the Landscape of Your Mouth unpacks the difference between two categories of metaphysical theory which can be combined to build layers of emotional and psychological correspondences onto specific parts of your mouth. This chapter introduces the existing literature of metaphysical theories of oral health.

Chapter 5: Mapping with Mouth Meridians explains the meridian system of traditional Chinese medicine and how it connects each part of the mouth with the rest of the body via energy channels governed by different emotions.

Chapter 6: Mapping Quadrants of the Mouth describes the themes associated with the top, bottom, left, right, front and back of the mouth and is most useful for anyone dealing with symptoms that are located in just one section of the mouth.

Chapter 7: Mapping Types of Teeth provides interpretations for symptoms that show up on a particular type of tooth i.e. incisors, canines, premolars, molars or wisdom teeth.

Chapter 8: Mapping Tooth Surfaces summarizes a perspective that applies a unique meaning to each individual surface or plane of each tooth covered by Dr Christian Beyer’s ‘dental decoding’ theories.

Chapter 9: Mapping with Tooth Archetypes introduces the framework I have developed, Dooth Trchetypes, in which each of the thirty-two adult teeth are described with detailed character studies drawn from my coaching experiences with hundreds of people all over the world.

Chapter 10: Symptoms as Messengers is a directory of the metaphysical associations for diseases, imbalances and injuries specific to the mouth, including abscesses and infections, an ankylosed tooth, bruxism, bite and TMJD, canker sores or aphthous ulcers, cracking, chipping or breaking teeth, decay (caries and cavities), gum conditions (gingivitis, periodontitis, receding gums, gum pockets and bone loss), missing teeth, retained baby teeth, root problems (nerve damage, non-vital tooth or resorption), plaque and tartar, and sensitive teeth.

Chapter 11: A Treasury of Transformational Tools brings the theories home, with practical exercises to help you apply personal insights, and enable healing. Making sense of your oral issues can be like putting together a jigsaw puzzle where the picture is mostly blue sky. This chapter provides suggestions to invite transformation with relaxed curiosity and a playful spirit.

Chapter 12: Healing with Grace summarizes this book’s robust, flexible, pragmatic approach to metaphysical oral health. Symptoms are your system’s attempt to bring you into balance, which requires delicacy, nuance, and consistent practice in your unique circumstances.

An Appendix of Journaling Prompts provides suggestions for writing exercises to enhance the healing potential of your insights from this book.

The Holistic Tooth Fairy Way Series

The Secret Lives of Teeth is first in a series of books that will each focus on a different aspect of oral health.

Book Two, The Empowered Dental Patient (coming in 2024), will cover strategies for overcoming dental anxiety and factors to consider when making dental decisions as well as protocols and practices to help ensure the best outcome from any dental experience.

Book Three in the series will provide a comprehensive introduction to effective physical self-help strategies for preventing and healing dental problems and maintaining strong healthy teeth and gums; including nutrition, hygiene, herbs, oral posture, jaw relaxation, as well as home remedies to relieve toothache and infection, remineralize cavities and decay, balance the oral microbiome, regrow receding gums and more.

Book Four will be for parents and specifically focus on children’s oral health issues from conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding through childhood dental care to the arrival of wisdom teeth in late teens.


Meliors Simms headshot

Hello! I'm Meliors Simms, the Holistic Tooth Fairy.

As a natural oral health coach I have worked with hundreds of clients worldwide to avoid unnecessary dental procedures and have better experiences with the necessary ones. (Find out about my coaching services here).

After a diverse career (from research to counselling to arts) and a lifetime of terrible teeth, I stumbled on an Alt Oral approach which prevented what would have been my 7th root canal.

That inspired years of independent research and experimentation, eventually resulting in my uniquely holistic approach to oral health.

My new book The Secret Lives of Teeth is a comprehensive guide to healing teeth and gums with metaphysical perspective. Read a sample here for free
