Metaphysical healing guidelines for oral health

Metaphysical healing guidelines for oral health

Metaphysical Healing for Teeth and Gums

Metaphysical healing teeth and gums can help boost the effectiveness and sustainability of dental procedures as well as natural approaches to oral such as health herbs or diet, anatomical adjustments to your breath or jaw muscles, optimising your oral hygiene rituals… or a necessary dental procedure. 

In this video I lay out some guidelines for applying spiritual healing concepts to teeth and gums. There are strengths and limitations of using existing frameworks of metaphysical meanings to symptoms, which I explain in relation to the four quadrants of your mouth: the upper and lower jaws and the right and left sides. Finally I’ll provide some practical examples of how to work with metaphysical meanings to help with healing your own symptoms.

This video series is all about the metaphysical or non-physical, influences on your oral health, but its important to remember to provide physical support for your teeth.  If you have intense or constant pain, or other serious symptoms please visit a dental professional.

Interpreting the quadrants of your mouth

Metaphysically and dentally, you can divide your mouth horizontally into upper jaw (maxilla) and lower jaw (mandible); and vertically into right and left sides. 

Upper Jaw

Your upper jaw is about dreams and intentions, it represents what you want and wish for, the upper jaw is where you set goals and visualise the future. Having symptoms concentrated in your upper jaw can indicate a problem with knowing or accepting your dreams or desires.

Lower Jaw

Your lower jaw is about action, speaking your truth, and qualities of  courage, authenticity, decisiveness. Symptoms in your lower jaw can suggest you have held back from speaking out or taking action. 

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint)

Your TMJ joint, the hinge between upper and lower jaw, represents the connection between your desires and your actions. It can embody your fears, your impulsiveness or your hesitation. Symptoms such as TMJ disorder, a clicking jaw or teeth grinding can indicate resentment or anger.

In many healing traditions the Right side of the body is associated with  masculine energies or your relationship with your father while the Left side is associated with feminine energies or your relationship with your mother.

However, I find it’s not usually helpful to take such a gender-essentialist interpretation of these associations with the sides of your mouth. 

Instead, the ancient Chinese concept of yin and yang can be more meaningful.

Right side of your mouth

The energy of the right side of your mouth may tend to be more yang: active, outward, professional, career, logical thinking. 

Left side of your mouth

The energy of the left side of your mouth may tend to be more yin:  inner world, intuitive, family, children, hobbies, creativity.

But knowing the traditional associations with different parts of your mouth is just a starting point for spiritual healing, not a solution or cure in itself . 

Metaphysical meanings of the quadrants of your mouth
The Secret Lives of Teeth cover

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages of your teeth and gum symptoms!

The Secret Lives of Teeth is a clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments. 

Available as a paperback or ebook. 

Guidelines for spiritual healing

As a holistic oral health coach, I may refer to existing metaphysical frameworks such as Traditional Chinese Medicine’s meridian system, Dr Michele Caffin’s psychosocial system and correlations identified by Louise Hay, Evette Rose and others as starting points for understanding the metaphysical influences on your oral health. These frameworks are most helpful when inspiring what questions to explore, rather being relied on for answers. 

Think of these existing associations as story prompts that can help you explore your own childhood and adult experiences, your family patterns  and ancestral lineage. 

Parts of your unique story might come to you in a dream, or as a memory from a past life. 

Your story can emerge from your visioning, or be picked up from the wider culture. 

Finding your healing story this way can give you a delicate, imaginative tool for healing. 

For the purposes of healing, it doesn’t necessarily matter whether your healing story is true or accurate in order to transform your relationship with your oral health.

However, it can feel intoxicating to finally make sense of your symptoms with a compelling metaphysical interpretation.

That intoxication can lead you to give your healing story more weight than it can hold. 

It may not be wise to use your healing story to determine your identity, and you should certainly be very careful before going public with blame or claims. 

Before you take your healing story out of the safe space of your healing work, (ie before you share it anywhere beyond your journal or a confidential therapeutic conversation) ensure you have receipts.

Without corroboration, or evidence, going public with your healing story could potentially cause further harm, if not to you, then to others. 
Find your unique oral health healing story

Your unique metaphysical meanings

Journalling can be one way to help you develop traditional associations into a healing story that can help you to relieve your symptoms and transform your oral health. 

Think of your symptoms as metaphors you can apply to the associations.  Make a list of words that describe your symptoms:

eg blocking or eroding or aggravating, deep or shallow, nagging, intermittent, subtle, overwhelming, irritating, invasive, unbalanced, stuck etc…

Once you’ve written down the words that describe your symptoms, reread each word and think about the non-symptom experiences in your life that those words could also be metaphors for.  A thesaurus or synonym search might be helpful.

Understanding the metaphysical meaning of your teeth issues can be like putting together a jigsaw puzzle with a picture that is mostly blue sky.  You have to test many possibilities to find the right fit.

With relaxed curiosity and a playful spirit you can test your symptom’s metaphors against the associations of their placement in your mouth.

A throbbing toothache in your upper left jaw

For example: if you have a throbbing toothache in your left upper jaw… think about anything in your personal life that feels overwhelming, or a nagging desire that remains unfulfilled.  Have you had any relationships that feel like this, or felt like this in the past, especially within your family or intimate circle? 

A throbbing toothache in your lower right jaw

If the throbbing toothache is taking over your lower right side consider whether your work life is demanding or whether you’ve made a career move you regret. Are you uncomfortable now or in the past with anyone in a position of authority, or anyone in a fatherly role  or acting in domineering way?

Keep brainstorming metaphors and experimenting with associations. Don’t be afraid to extend your pool of possible healing stories by drawing on memories, dreams, insights from other people, even song lyrics that catch your ear!


Spiritual Healing Guidelines for teeth and gums

Recognising your own healing story

You won’t always recognise your story right away.

Sometimes you will think: not this old trauma, surely my 20 years of therapy and healing resolved this by now.
Sometimes you will think: that’s too trivial, I don’t have enough emotional attachment for this to explain my symptoms.
Sometimes it can take weeks of chewing on these ideas before you get clarity.

To help speed up the process you can watch my free Listen to your Teeth masterclass where I take you through a guided meditation for listening to your teeth.


The Secret Lives of Teeth cover

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages of your teeth and gum symptoms!

The Secret Lives of Teeth is a clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments. 

Available as a paperback or ebook. 

Meliors Simms headshot

Hello! I'm Meliors Simms, the Holistic Tooth Fairy.

As a natural oral health coach I have worked with hundreds of clients worldwide to avoid unnecessary dental procedures and have better experiences with the necessary ones. (Find out about my coaching services here).

After a diverse career (from research to counselling to arts) and a lifetime of terrible teeth, I stumbled on an Alt Oral approach which prevented what would have been my 7th root canal.

That inspired years of independent research and experimentation, eventually resulting in my uniquely holistic approach to oral health.

My new book The Secret Lives of Teeth is a comprehensive guide to healing teeth and gums with metaphysical perspective. Read a sample here for free



Spiritual Meanings of Teeth

Root cause vs immediate cause  The biggest difference between holistic oral health coaching and mainstream dentistry may be coaching’s consideration of the spiritual meanings of teeth.  The spiritual meanings of teeth can help you to identify the root cause of your...

A simple guide to online coaching

Any timezone, any place A consultation with the Holistic Tooth Fairy is nothing like going to the dentist! It's easy, empowering and even fun! All our consultations are done in online video calls which means that you can work with us no matter what country or what...

How long does it take to remineralize cavities?

How long does it take to remineralise cavities?    How long it takes to remineralise cavities, reverse decay or regrow receding gums depends on three factors. Your symptoms, how severe they are and how long you've had them for How wholeheartedly you are able to...

How to get rid of cavities naturally, for FREE

I believe in empowering you to be your own teeth healer, no matter how much cash you've got left after visiting the dentist. I'm not holding back some powerful secret behind the paywall of my coaching services. It is completely feasible that you can learn how to heal...

Safely remove amalgam fillings

What are amalgam fillings? Amalgams are metal fillings that look silver when they are placed but soon turn a dark color that contrasts with the white enamel of your natural teeth. They are made out of an amalgam (blend) of different metals that can include silver,...

Alt Oral Book Review: Metaphysical Anatomy

Book Review: Metaphysical Anatomy: Your body is talking, are you listening? by Evette Rose (2012) The first thing you notice about Metaphysical Anatomy: Your body is talking, are you listening? Volume One by Evette Rose is that is HUGE! It's a 1.5 KG, 7 x 10 inches,...

Metaphysical meanings of molars and premolars

Metaphysical Meanings of Molars and Premolars The metaphysical meanings of molar and premolar teeth are different for every individual. However, there are some common themes and widely accepted frameworks for interpretation. Molars and premolars are your most powerful...

Is there a Spiritual Meaning to Your Toothache?

Asking your intuition about your toothache meaning can put you in touch with the subconscious feelings and thoughts that influence your oral health. Is there something you're not talking about in your life? What are your stress levels day-to-day at the moment? Are you...

Spiritual Reasons for Gum Disease

Understanding the spiritual meaning of gum disease The spiritual meanings of gum disease symptoms are often overlooked, yet working with these messages often holds the key to effective healing.  Gingivitis, periodontal or gum disease often begins with gum recession or...

Spiritual meaning of central incisors

What are Tooth Archetypes Tooth Archetypes are a powerful way for you to understand and work with emotional and energetic influences on oral health, to help you avoid unnecessary dental interventions and have better experiences with any necessary treatements....

Why is oral health so confusing?

Why is oral health so confusing?

Do you ever feel confused or overwhelmed about what actions to take, which daily habits you should practice, or even what to believe when it comes to your teeth and gums?

There are the mainstream dentists pressuring you with their fluoride treatments and surgical solutions.

Then there are are the biological dentists urging you to remove amalgam fillings and root canals.

Not to mention the infinite variety of toothpaste brands that claim to be remineralizing, whitening, desensitizing, or non-toxic.

There is hype and debate over Ayurvedic oil pulling vs wheat grass swishing.   

There are social media comments advising you to dab on 2% iodine or essential oils

And of course endless questions around whether lasers or stem cells or peptides are going to be the next miracle cure (and when?)!

Over there Ramiel Nagel followers swear by raw milk, but not far away Medical Medium followers swear by celery juice and eschew all dairy.

And what’s up with fermented cod liver oil?

I could go on – This is just the beginning!

Why oral health is so confusing.

Have you ever lost a few hours Googling down an Alt-Oral rabbit hole looking for a simple solution that will solve your teeth problems- just the right toothpaste for example

You probably found lots of conflicting and confusing recommendations waiting to trip you up even though you just wanted something tried and true that works for everyone every time. 

The truth is, although many recommendation have merit for someone, that doesn’t mean every recommendation is appropriate, effective, or even safe for everyone 

That’s because your teeth are part complex system that is influenced by:

  •  your whole physical body, including your posture, your breathing and your gut
  •  your emotional state now and in the past 
  •  your ancestors and your DNA, 
  •  your family history and your past lives
  •  your prenatal experience, infancy and childhood
  •  your energy (in every sense) and the electromagnetic energy in your home
  •  the environment around you and you interact with it 
  •  where you live, when you’ve moved and how you travel
  •  the people who talk to you and people who you kiss
  •  the air that you breathe
  •  the food that you eat and drink 
  •  the supplements you take
  •  the medicines you have taken, now and in the past, whether for oral health or not 
  •  your recreational drugs. including alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine
  •  your attitudes and your beliefs, 
  •  your stress levels
  •  your hopes and aspirations 
  •  what you’re angry about 
  •  what you’re frustrated with
  •  your disappointment and grief 
  •  your fear and anxiety 
  •  the secrets that you’re keeping
  •  what you do every day
  •  and what you don’t do every day.

 All these diverse factors influence your teeth and gums.

If the influences  on your oral health are complex, then the remedy is likely to be complex too.

Even folks who get good results from simple solutions are not necessarily going have that last for their whole lifetime.

 There is no simple solution that will work for everyone- not a toothpaste, not oil pulling, not root canals.

Often our needs change over time. So if you had great results with the oil pulling when you did five years ago but it’s no longer stopping gum inflammation… you need to try something else now.

Why is oral health so confusing

Navigating oral health’s complexities

You are unique and you need a unique approach to healing your teeth and gums. 

No-one else has teeth and gums influenced by exactly the same combination of factors.

What works for your teeth may be quite different from what works for mine, or your brother’s or your neighbour’s teeth. 

You need a personal protocol that includes only those products or strategies that meet your needs and circumstances.

Your effective combination of remedies and strategies will be as unique as you.

 Finding, fine-tuning and implementing the right personal protocol to heal your teeth and gum issues takes time, attention, and persistence.

You have to balance consistency with flexibility.

And I recommend that you include strategies drawn from all four realms of the Holistic Tooth Fairy Way:

Get started now!

I have a couple of free resources to help you find the best signals for your needs, among the static and noise online. 

Holistic Oral Health at Home

This  is a practical workshop to help you

  • Do your own oral health self-assessments to identify any issues
  • Manage issues with holistic home remedies 
  • Prevent dental emergencies with teeth & gum nourishing foods, herbs, and supplements
  • Protect your gums by fine-tuning your oral hygiene habits 
  • Relieve jaw tension to avoid breaking enamel or fillings. 

Listen to Your Teeth

Your intuition can be a helpful guide through the confusing conflicting recommendations about oral helath. My free Masterclass Listen to Your Teeth Masterclass which explains the metaphysical influences on your oral health, and includes a guided meditation to tune into your own intuitive wisdom about what your teeth need.

The meditation is a great resource to help you get intuitive guidance about conflicting or confusing recommendations. 

The Secret Lives of Teeth cover

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages of your teeth and gum symptoms!

The Secret Lives of Teeth is a clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments. 

Available as a paperback or ebook. 

Has a dentist told you that your cavities or receding gums are your fault because you are drinking too much Coke, you don’t floss enough or you need to stop breastfeeding your baby? And you know that isn’t true!

I’m not going to blame you or shame you.
The underlying causes of your oral health issues are not your fault!

Nature or nurture, ancestry or environment, free will or systemic oppression, unconscious emotions or the degraded food system

These are the factors that make your teeth and gums vulnerable to disease.

Even though your tooth decay and gum disease is not your fault, it is within your power to change.

You can turn your oral health around with natural strategies and healthy habits.

Spiritual Meanings of Teeth

Root cause vs immediate cause  The biggest difference between holistic oral health coaching and mainstream dentistry may be coaching’s consideration of the spiritual meanings of teeth.  The spiritual meanings of teeth can help you to identify the root cause of your...

A simple guide to online coaching

Any timezone, any place A consultation with the Holistic Tooth Fairy is nothing like going to the dentist! It's easy, empowering and even fun! All our consultations are done in online video calls which means that you can work with us no matter what country or what...

How long does it take to remineralize cavities?

How long does it take to remineralise cavities?    How long it takes to remineralise cavities, reverse decay or regrow receding gums depends on three factors. Your symptoms, how severe they are and how long you've had them for How wholeheartedly you are able to...

How to get rid of cavities naturally, for FREE

I believe in empowering you to be your own teeth healer, no matter how much cash you've got left after visiting the dentist. I'm not holding back some powerful secret behind the paywall of my coaching services. It is completely feasible that you can learn how to heal...

Safely remove amalgam fillings

What are amalgam fillings? Amalgams are metal fillings that look silver when they are placed but soon turn a dark color that contrasts with the white enamel of your natural teeth. They are made out of an amalgam (blend) of different metals that can include silver,...

Alt Oral Book Review: Metaphysical Anatomy

Book Review: Metaphysical Anatomy: Your body is talking, are you listening? by Evette Rose (2012) The first thing you notice about Metaphysical Anatomy: Your body is talking, are you listening? Volume One by Evette Rose is that is HUGE! It's a 1.5 KG, 7 x 10 inches,...

Metaphysical meanings of molars and premolars

Metaphysical Meanings of Molars and Premolars The metaphysical meanings of molar and premolar teeth are different for every individual. However, there are some common themes and widely accepted frameworks for interpretation. Molars and premolars are your most powerful...

Is there a Spiritual Meaning to Your Toothache?

Asking your intuition about your toothache meaning can put you in touch with the subconscious feelings and thoughts that influence your oral health. Is there something you're not talking about in your life? What are your stress levels day-to-day at the moment? Are you...

Spiritual Reasons for Gum Disease

Understanding the spiritual meaning of gum disease The spiritual meanings of gum disease symptoms are often overlooked, yet working with these messages often holds the key to effective healing.  Gingivitis, periodontal or gum disease often begins with gum recession or...

Spiritual meaning of central incisors

What are Tooth Archetypes Tooth Archetypes are a powerful way for you to understand and work with emotional and energetic influences on oral health, to help you avoid unnecessary dental interventions and have better experiences with any necessary treatements....

Your Own Oral Unawareness

Your Own Oral Unawareness

What’s your level of oral unawareness?

Are you someone who rarely looks inside your mouth, at least not further than the front teeth that show when you smile?

Do you pay attention to how your teeth and gums feel when there’s no discomfort?

When your teeth feel sensitive, do you buy a numbing toothpaste?

When your teeth hurt, does your dentist offer drilling and filling as the only real solution.

You probably know that you have to scrub away bacteria from your teeth, but you probably weren’t taught to nurture the complex, and mostly helpful microbiome, that makes up your oral environment.

You probably know that sugar affects your oral health but did you know that grains do too? What about the role your teeth and gums play in your digestion and immunity?

Teeth and gums play a critical role in your overall wellbeing, yet a culture of dental disconnect means most people don’t really understand or prioritise their oral health.

When will the dentist be safe?

Where does oral unawareness come from?

Dental-Medical Divide

Historically the dentistry has been disconnected from medicine.

This disconnection is evident from many angles, from education and training to insurance coverage.  

Dentists aren’t usually trained or encouraged to address environmental or systemic influences on oral health such as nutrition, stress, breathing or sleep.

Their education about prevention is mostly limited to the dangers of sugar and the necessity of flossing.

Instead, dentists are taught to perform surgical repairs and to use industrial chemicals (including neurotoxins such as mercury and fluoride). (2)

Dentists are the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, and yet there is no one telling you not to jump in the first place.

In recent decades medical researchers have found links between teeth and gum problems and many systemic diseases including; 

  • heart disease,(3)
  • diabetes, (4)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease,(5)
  •  rheumatoid arthritis,(6)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (7)
  •  and low birth weight (8)

Although it’s now more common to recommend gum treatment before cardiac surgery, few other disease protocols include addressing oral health.

This mouth-body disconnection is just as apparent in complementary health as in mainstream medicine.

Complementary health modalities rarely include more than cursory attention to oral health in their training. This means that most natural health practitioners don’t feel confident to diagnose or remedy teeth and gum problems.

Cosmetic Focus

Dental disconnect is not just institutionalised at the professional level. Somewhere along the way, oral health products got categorised with cosmetics and beauty rather than health and wellbeing. (1) 

Toothpaste, mouthwash and other oral hygiene products are often regulated with skin cosmetics rather than alongside food, even though both go in your mouth. 

Teeth whitening products marketed to improve the visual appeal of the mouth, are often far too harsh for teeth with discoloration caused by demineralisation and can dangerously unbalance the delicate oral microbiome in your mouth.

Even though the mouth is the gateway to the digestive system and consists mostly of permeable mucus membranes, mainstream toothpaste and mouthwash routinely includes ingredients that are not considered food-safe (9).

Many dentists now routinely recommend cosmetic procedures. They’re up-selling their services to us by making us feel bad about how our teeth look. 

Did you know that a lot of cosmetic dental procedures actually damage the health of our teeth and gums? 

For example:

  • many orthodontic treatments involve extracting healthy teeth,
  • dental (and over-the-counter) whitening treatments weaken tooth enamel,
  • veneers and crowns involve shaving off the enamel surface of our teeth, permanently damaging the structural integrity.

Of all the ways that dental disconnect is harmful, the most insidious may be the deliberate damage to teeth for profit, marketed by preying on our insecurities about appearance.

So what can you do about oral unawareness?

If you stay disconnected from your mouth for too long, your teeth or gums will probably start trying to get to get your attention with uncomfortable or damaging symptoms.

Practicing connection with your body means you can pick up messages from your mouths while they are still quiet and gentle. 

What’s the best way for you to practice connecting with your teeth and gums?

Here are three practical things you can try to help reconnect with your oral health. 

  • Do a bit of research into oral health, going beyond ‘how to get a whiter smile’. As you do, pause to pay attention to a single, slow, gentle breath before and after you read or watch something new.

  • Sit outside on the earth and sink your attention into your root chakra. Feel the minerals in your teeth align with the minerals in the ground below you.


  • Look at your teeth lovingly every time you brush and floss. With relaxed curiosity ask, what do you need today? Notice any thoughts, memories, images, or sensations that cross your awareness.


Check out Listen to your Teeth, my free Masterclass which explains more about metaphysical influences on oral health, and includes a guided meditation to tune into your own intuitive wisdom.

The Secret Lives of Teeth cover

Learn how to interpret the metaphysical messages of your teeth and gum symptoms!

The Secret Lives of Teeth is a clear and comprehensive guide teaches you a unique, complementary self-help approach to easing toothaches, enhancing enamel and gum remineralization and getting better results with necessary dental treatments. 

Available as a paperback or ebook. 

Has a dentist told you that your cavities or receding gums are your fault because you are drinking too much Coke, you don’t floss enough or you need to stop breastfeeding your baby? And you know that isn’t true!

I’m not going to blame you or shame you.
The underlying causes of your oral health issues are not your fault!

Nature or nurture, ancestry or environment, free will or systemic oppression, unconscious emotions or the degraded food system

These are the factors that make your teeth and gums vulnerable to disease.

Even though your tooth decay and gum disease is not your fault, it is within your power to change.

You can turn your oral health around with natural strategies and healthy habits.

Spiritual Meanings of Teeth

Root cause vs immediate cause  The biggest difference between holistic oral health coaching and mainstream dentistry may be coaching’s consideration of the spiritual meanings of teeth.  The spiritual meanings of teeth can help you to identify the root cause of your...

A simple guide to online coaching

Any timezone, any place A consultation with the Holistic Tooth Fairy is nothing like going to the dentist! It's easy, empowering and even fun! All our consultations are done in online video calls which means that you can work with us no matter what country or what...

How long does it take to remineralize cavities?

How long does it take to remineralise cavities?    How long it takes to remineralise cavities, reverse decay or regrow receding gums depends on three factors. Your symptoms, how severe they are and how long you've had them for How wholeheartedly you are able to...

How to get rid of cavities naturally, for FREE

I believe in empowering you to be your own teeth healer, no matter how much cash you've got left after visiting the dentist. I'm not holding back some powerful secret behind the paywall of my coaching services. It is completely feasible that you can learn how to heal...

Safely remove amalgam fillings

What are amalgam fillings? Amalgams are metal fillings that look silver when they are placed but soon turn a dark color that contrasts with the white enamel of your natural teeth. They are made out of an amalgam (blend) of different metals that can include silver,...

Alt Oral Book Review: Metaphysical Anatomy

Book Review: Metaphysical Anatomy: Your body is talking, are you listening? by Evette Rose (2012) The first thing you notice about Metaphysical Anatomy: Your body is talking, are you listening? Volume One by Evette Rose is that is HUGE! It's a 1.5 KG, 7 x 10 inches,...

Metaphysical meanings of molars and premolars

Metaphysical Meanings of Molars and Premolars The metaphysical meanings of molar and premolar teeth are different for every individual. However, there are some common themes and widely accepted frameworks for interpretation. Molars and premolars are your most powerful...

Is there a Spiritual Meaning to Your Toothache?

Asking your intuition about your toothache meaning can put you in touch with the subconscious feelings and thoughts that influence your oral health. Is there something you're not talking about in your life? What are your stress levels day-to-day at the moment? Are you...

Spiritual Reasons for Gum Disease

Understanding the spiritual meaning of gum disease The spiritual meanings of gum disease symptoms are often overlooked, yet working with these messages often holds the key to effective healing.  Gingivitis, periodontal or gum disease often begins with gum recession or...

Spiritual meaning of central incisors

What are Tooth Archetypes Tooth Archetypes are a powerful way for you to understand and work with emotional and energetic influences on oral health, to help you avoid unnecessary dental interventions and have better experiences with any necessary treatements....

Is it safe to go to the dentist yet?

Is it safe to go to the dentist yet?

Is dental treatment safe during the pandemic?

Covid-19 prompted national and regional dental associations to advise dentists to close their practices and/or postpone elective and non-emergency treatment during lockdown periods.

This advice has not been followed consistently, because the dental profession in most countries is dominated by private practices with little regulation. Some dentists have chosen to stay open and offer standard services even in hot spots of high community transmission.

Through the first half of 2020 there’s been a wide range of responses from most dentists closing up shop completely to some dentists urging their patients to continue with non-essential treatments as usual. As restrictions ease in many regions with continued community transmission, there’s ongoing conflicts within the profession about how to practice safely.

These inconsistencies have contributed to public uncertainty about how to manage our oral health during the pandemic, and what to expect from dentistry in the long-term. 

The pressures of Covid-19 on the current dental model has been (sometimes literally) painful for individual patients and dental professionals. However, it’s possible that the pandemic could be a catalyst for transformation.

I hope that we emerge from the pandemic with a more holistic, humane, equitable and prevention-focused version of dentistry.

In this article I’ll explore some immediate and long term questions from a patient’s perspective:

  • the risks of attending the dentist during the pandemic
  • keeping your mouth safe when the dentist isn’t safe
  • what does the future hold for dentistry
When will the dentist be safe?

Risks at the Dentist 

Dentists are an intrinsically high risk environment for Covid-19 exposure, in addition to all the usual risks of public spaces where there is community transmission of Covid-19 (such as sharing an enclosed space and close physical contact). 

 The crucial problem is that there are many common dental procedures, including hygienist’s cleanings and drilling cavities, that create an aerosol spray of saliva particles into the air (Aerosol Generating Procedures – AGPs).  There are also procedures (including x-rays) in the dental chair that cause patients to cough, which release a spray of saliva droplets

If a patient has Covid-19, their saliva contains microscopic virus particles. Droplets of their saliva from coughing can travel up to 2 metres (6 feet) before falling almost immediately to the surface below. Aerosol saliva particles generated by AGPs may travel much further (up to 8 metres or 27 feet) and may linger in the air for 2-3 hours before settling on surfaces below [link].

The greatest, and most immediate risk from a patient with Covid-19 are dental workers, especially hygienists whose main task of cleaning generates aerosol saliva spray. However, anyone who enters the dental office within 2-3 hours could be potentially at risk of inhaling virus-contaminated droplets inhaled in the air.  Further exposure could come from exposure to surfaces that were cleaned immediately after the treatment but continued to collect virus contamination from suspended saliva spray for up to three hours.   

Dental safety standards

Dental practices already had very high standards for sterilization and PPE, however Covid-19 and it’s airborne risks requires even greater vigilance.

When you book your next dental appointment, ask what extra measures they are taking to address the serious, life-threatening risks of Covid-19. Are their social distancing, screening, cleaning,  PPE and AGP reduction practices good enough?

Social distancing

It’s become fairly standard for dental practices to ask patients to wait in their cars, wear masks and use hand sanitiser. Empty waiting rooms and contactless payments help to reduce the risk of virus spreading.


Most dental practices are attempting to screen out patients (and staff) with Covid-19 with questions and temperature tests. These measures are both unreliable, but may catch someone who is symptomatic, has tested positive, or who knows they have been exposed to the contagin. However, the real risk of transmission lies with asympotomatic or presympotomatic patients.

Asymptomatic individuals (who have Covid but never develop symptoms) and presymtomatic individuals (who have contracted the disease up to 14 days ago but not yet developed symptoms) are both highly contagious to anyone who is exposed to their saliva droplets.

A few dental practices are require everyone to take a Covid-19 test immediately before their appointment. However Covid-19 tests are of limited use because results are not available instantly and are not 100% reliable.


Dental practices should allow a sufficient break between an AGP and entering the room to clean it (a ‘fallow period’), to allow droplets to fall to surfaces so they can be cleaned. The recommended fallow period is one hour, however arguably may take 2-3 hours for aerosol particles to fall out of the air.  [link]

This fallow period is reduced for negative pressure rooms with powerful extractor fans, vacuum units or filtration units. These types of air cleaning systems are necessesary for the safe removal of amalgam fillings, so biological and holistic dentists are more likely to already have them in place.


Dental workers have been using personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and surgical masks since the AIDS epidemicIn the early weeks of the pandemic, many dental practices donated their stocks of PPE to frontline staff working with Covid-19 patients due to global shortages. 

The Covid-19 epidemic brings a new safety standard that layers a face shield over an N95type respirator masks covered by a disposable mask, ie three layers of face protection. Washable or disposable caps and knee length gowns complete the dental PPE needed for safer (but not completely safe) work with AGPs [link].

Ideally, dental workers should change their PPE gear between every new patient they treat, especially after AGPs. 

However, due to the cost and sometimes ongoing difficulties of aquiring PPE, not every practice is supplying adequate PPE to meet recommended safety standards.

Dental workers in large practices such as dental schools and hospitals have voiced their complaints about inadequate PPE publically. It seems likely that it is even more a problem in small, private practices where staff feel unable to speak out. 

Reducing aerosols (AGPs)

Some dental practices are working with alternative techniques and tools that reduce the saliva spray from aerosol generating procedures (AGPs).

Hygienists can clean teeth manually instead of with an ultra-sonic scaler, but hand cleaning is much slower, and more uncomfortable for both patients and hygienists [link].

Low speed drills produce less aerosol than high speed drill but take longer and are more uncomfortable for most patients.  Using dental dams, high tech suction devices or intra-oral negative vacuum can all reduce the spread of saliva.

Immunity and your gums

In addition to these risks in the dental office, there is another risk which you may want to consider when deciding whether its safe to go back to your dentist yet. 

Any procedure that cuts into the gum might lower your body’s immunity. This includes standard hygienist cleanings, periodontal deep cleanings and tooth extractions. If you go ahead with one of these procedures, take extra precautions to build up immune resistance and avoid exposure to Covid-19.

If you are in severe or ongoing pain, or have swelling in your mouth, you should seek emergency treatment even where there is a risk of Covid-19 transmission. 

When will the dental hygienist be safe?

At home oral health

If you weigh up your personal risks vs benefits and decide that going to the dentist isn’t worth it for you right now, there is actually quite a lot you can do at home to prevent teeth and gum problems from developing or getting worse.


Nourish your teeth and gums with the best quality fresh vegetables and protein you can access. 

Good oral health comes with a nutrient dense diet that is rich in minerals and fat-soluble Vitamins A, D and K2 consumed as fresh, local, inseason, minimally processed food rather than in capsules or powders. 

You probably know that sugar is not good for teeth. If you are craving sweets, try to avoid sticky, chewy candies and soda drinks of any kind.

Even kombucha may be harmful for teeth because the phosphorus in the bubbles can draw out calcium from your enamel making them vulnerable to harmful bacteria.

Avoid popcorn as well, because it can break weak teeth, knock out fillings and cut your gums.  


The mouth plays an important role in the body’s immune system. Poor oral hygiene can increase your risk of Covid-19 infection [link].

Brush your teeth twice a day, floss at least once a day, and rinse your mouth out after eating to help maintain a clean healthy oral cavity.

Brush and floss gently to avoid damaging your gums. Bleeding gums can potentially compromise your immunity.

Rather than brushing straight after you eat, when your enamel is soft and vulnerable, try rinsing with a salt water solution after every meal or snack.

These simple habits can help prevent or stabilize decay or gingivitis until it’s safe to visit the dentist.

For more oral health habits for prevention and healing, watch Holistic Oral Health at Home, my free online workshop.

What can we anticipate for dental services going forward?

 Like pretty much everything else right now, it’s difficult to predict what the future holds for dentistry.

My speculations below are based on current information from the industry, which assumes a 1-2 year minimum before returning to ‘normal,’ along with my own analysis of opportunities for long overdue changes to the way we think about oral health.

Regular services limited

Almost everywhere that’s been locked down, dentists were closed to all but emergency treatments.

In regions where a second wave of Covid-19 is emerging regular dental services may be restricted even further.

Dental hygienist cleanings are likely to be the last services to return to normal because of the greater risk involved.

However, because dentistry is privatised and minimally regulated in most regions, decisions about who returns to work and when are left up to individual practice owners, who may prioritise financial concerns over the safety of their staff, their patients or even themselves.

This is leading to high levels of stress and anxiety among dental professionals [link].

Reduced demand

Switzerland was one of the first European countries to ease restrictions. Swiss dentists experienced a rush of patients seeking urgent dental treatment after six weeks in lockdown. The backlog of emergency and urgent dental treatment had severe consequences for some people, who have lost teeth that might have been saved under normal circumstances.

Wherever dental services are available, people will go for emergency and urgent treatment. However, it’s likely that widespread economic hardship and unemployment will lead many to postpone elective and non-urgent dental treatments for at least the next couple of years.

More people may start seeking out alternatives for the first time, searching for self-help approaches to manage non-urgent issues and to prevent urgent issues from becoming emergencies.

We can expect to see increasing demand for home remedies and oral health coaches, so it’s important that effective products and services become available for every market, and in every language.

Fewer dental practices

Many dental practices are in such a financially precarious position that they may not be able to reopen after lockdown restrictions are lifted [link] [link].

This is likely to lead to increasingly widespread dental apartheid aka dental deserts ie areas where few, if any, dentists practice, such as in rural and tribal areas of the United States.

Without access to conventional dental services, it’s a matter of social justice to make effective preventative care and home remedies widely available in unconventional ways.

Online coaching, mobile and pop up clinics, community and peer educators are some of the possibilities worth exploring.

Rising Cost

We can expect to see increased charges for professional dental services; primarily to cover the costs of extra PPE, and in some practices Covid-19 diagnostic testing and updated sterilisation equipment.

Rising prices will widen the gap between those who can afford regular dental care and an increasing proportion of people who will go into hardship or debt for urgent or emergency treatment.

Now is the time for communities to invest in preventative systems of food and housing security and grassroots health care to help prevent oral health problems becoming emergencies as well as bolstering our immune systems and increasing resilience to many other illnesses.


Dentists are already experimenting with video and phone consultation services, and some may continue to offer tele-dentistry into the future [link].  

Because dental hygienists are being forced to adapt to so many challenges, I am offering a short course to help dental hygienists get started offering oral health coaching online. 

Dental hygienists already have preventative knowledge and skills that they haven’t always gotten to a chance to share with patients in their chair, due to time pressure.

Now is a wonderful opportunity for hygienists to either add online coaching to their in person services or pivot to be able to work from home in the future. 

I also want to see more online health practitioners integrate effective oral health support into their practices (and I’ll be looking at adding a course for natural health practitioners eventually).

There are genuine opportunities for radical transformation!

Almost every type of industry and organisation is going through a crucible of change this year.

There are intense pressures causing great harm at the same time as creating opportunities for radical change in every aspect of our lives.

It will be fascinating to see how it all unfolds and what the future of dentistry and oral health becomes.

In the meantime, please take good care of your teeth and gums at home with the tools you have available to you. 

When will the dentist be safe?

Has a dentist told you that your cavities or receding gums are your fault because you are drinking too much Coke, you don’t floss enough or you need to stop breastfeeding your baby? And you know that isn’t true!

I’m not going to blame you or shame you.
The underlying causes of your oral health issues are not your fault!

Nature or nurture, ancestry or environment, free will or systemic oppression, unconscious emotions or the degraded food system

These are the factors that make your teeth and gums vulnerable to disease.

Even though your tooth decay and gum disease is not your fault, it is within your power to change.

You can turn your oral health around with natural strategies and healthy habits.

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How long does it take to remineralise cavities?    How long it takes to remineralise cavities, reverse decay or regrow receding gums depends on three factors. Your symptoms, how severe they are and how long you've had them for How wholeheartedly you are able to...

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How long does it take to remineralize cavities?

How long does it take to remineralize cavities?

How long does it take to remineralise cavities?


 How long it takes to remineralise cavities, reverse decay or regrow receding gums depends on three factors.

  1. Your symptoms, how severe they are and how long you’ve had them for
  2. How wholeheartedly you are able to engage with holistic healing strategies
  3. How much time you feel is available


The most thrilling part of my work as a natural oral health coach is hearing back from people who have successfully saved a tooth from a root canal or extraction by following the Holistic Tooth Fairy Way. 

 Unfortunately I can’t wave a magic wand to fix your dental problems overnight. Unlike visiting a dentist who spends no more than an hour or two to drill, fill and bill, working with natural healing strategies requires an ongoing commitment to self care. 

 Most of my coaching clients see significant improvement to their teeth within the first three months and their gums within six months. A few determined and lucky people have healed dramatically within days or weeks of starting the Holistic Tooth Fairy Way.

But there are no guarantees with this approach. Some people find that their symptoms remain stubbornly resistant to holistic healing. 

It’s not always possible to save a tooth so sometimes my work involves supporting people through their root canal or extraction.  

I help them come to clarity and peace with their decision. We tailor a personalised protocol to help prepare physically, emotionally and practically for the procedure they’ve chosen.  On the day of, and days after, the procedure I check in to offer whatever support is needed to help manage their physical recovery and common feelings of anxiety and grief etc. 

Spiritual Meanings Behind Gum Disease

When is it too late to remineralise a cavity

One of the most frequently asked questions I get asked on the free 15 minute assessment call is whether they’ve left it too late to heal their tooth or gums holistically.

 The interesting thing about this question is that it most often comes from someone whose symptoms are comparatively mild, but because it’s an isolated incident and the worst thing they’ve experienced, they feel scared and hopeless.  

I was thinking about how to make a flow chart for deciding whether or not it’s too late to save a tooth. But even the most complicated tangle of factors would still be too simplistic to decide whether it’s worth trying to save your tooth.

Often it’s a matter of timing that makes the difference between being able to heal your teeth or gums holistically, or not. The severity of your symptoms and how long you’ve had them may be the deciding factor for  e.g. a three year old abscess is going to take longer to heal than a three week old infection.

When the problem has been going on for too long, there may be no time left to allow for the incremental improvements of holistic healing. 

If you let an intermittent niggle develop into an intolerable toothache, ongoing pain undermines your ability to stick to a healing protocol for long enough to take effect. 

The main consideration for deciding whether or not it’s too late, is not usually the seriousness of the problem, but your willingness to wholeheartedly commit to consistently practicing a Very Intensive Protocol.

Ultimately it’s rarely the symptoms that hold the answer to whether it’s too late to save your tooth or gum from a dental procedure, but how wholeheartedly you are able to engage with all four realms of the Holistic Tooth Fairy Way and practice nutrition, jaw relaxation, hygiene and metaphysical strategies consistently and persistently for as long as it takes to heal

Your ability to heal faster than the problems can progress may depend on whether you utilize ‘short cuts’ such as eating animal products or take a ‘fast track’ 1:1 intensive with a natural oral health coach 

That’s why we need to have a conversation so I can get a sense of who you are, not just what is happening in your mouth.

We need to consider not only your symptoms, oral health aspirations and dental diagnosis, but also your lifestyle, your priorities and your personality.

One thing I can can say for sure, is that the sooner you start applying your own personal Very Intensive Protocol the more flexibility and fun you can have in the healing process.

Finding time to remineralize cavities

Another aspect of time seems to make a significant impact on whether your tooth can be saved. It’s an intangible quality of spaciousness. Saving a tooth seems to require an attitude that there is enough time. Paradoxically, the more time you feel like you have, the faster a tooth seems to heal. 

Note I’m not talking about the amount of obligations you are juggling. Your days may be packed full with work, kids, side gigs and more, yet you can hold it lightly with a flexible, expansive way of thinking about your personal experience of time. 

I see this kind of spacious attitude to time working it’s teeth healing magic most effectively when you 

  • relax about what you ‘should’ be doing, 
  • let go of perfectionism and 
  • allow your intuition and body wisdom to guide your decisions from day to day. 

 I suppose a few souls grow up with this kind of graceful self-trust around time (I don’t know many). Most adults only learn about it later, if at all, usually as the result of a crisis that rearranges your priorities. 

For some people that crisis is embodied in our teeth.

Therefore, practicing the Holistic Tooth Fairy Way may involve embracing a new sense of time. 

Instead of toothbrushing in a mindlessly rush on your way to work or bed, you could find it becomes a moving meditation on self love and forgiveness. 

Instead of grabbing at snacks to graze on the go, you could find yourself sitting down to a home cooked meal and savoring it with grace.

How long to keep practicing?

One final FAQ about time is to do with how long to keep going with a teeth or gum healing protocol. 

Once your cavity has started to remineralize, the root canal has been averted or your gums begun to regrow…how long will you need to follow the Holistic Tooth Fairy Way?  

The answer depends on whether your oral health problems are isolated and straightforward or chronic and multifaceted.

Are your current symptoms unusual for you? Are you generally in good health overall?  Then you may find that after this particular problem is resolved you can return to your old habits with no further problems.

Or are you more like me and your teeth are your health weakness? Is your mouth the part of your body that will always be ready to communicate when something in your life is out of alignment with your highest good?

Then you may need to follow a modified version of your healing protocol for life.

 I’ve been practicing what I preach for 7 years and yet I still get symptoms flaring up in my mouth when I’m stressed. For as long as I want to keep my teeth, I’ll be following the Holistic Tooth Fairy Way… for the rest of my life.

Meliors Simms headshot

Hello! I'm Meliors Simms, the Holistic Tooth Fairy.

As a natural oral health coach I have worked with hundreds of clients worldwide to avoid unnecessary dental procedures and have better experiences with the necessary ones. (Find out about my coaching services here).

After a diverse career (from research to counselling to arts) and a lifetime of terrible teeth, I stumbled on an Alt Oral approach which prevented what would have been my 7th root canal.

That inspired years of independent research and experimentation, eventually resulting in my uniquely holistic approach to oral health.

My new book The Secret Lives of Teeth is a comprehensive guide to healing teeth and gums with metaphysical perspective. Read a sample here for free



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