I believe in empowering you to be your own teeth healer, no matter how much cash you’ve got left after visiting the dentist.

I’m not holding back some powerful secret behind the paywall of my coaching services.

It is completely feasible that you can learn how to heal your own teeth and gums from the information I share freely on this website.  Look around, especially under the resources tab at the top of the page. Take your time, I’ll wait.

Truthfully, I am thrilled whenever anyone tells me about their good results from following the advice I share freely online.

What I don’t do is give free advice privately when people email or message me with specific questions. I’d rather answer that question in a blog or on social media to help as many people as possible.

So what do you get from paying me, when I share so much information for free?

As well as saving time, giving you more confidence, accessing the cutting edge developments in the field; paid coaching offers…

1. A personalised plan curating the particular strategies that are appropriate for your unique needs, lifestyle, budget and preferences. For example are you a:

  • Rural vegan with impacted wisdom teeth? Lets get unique.
  • Living with chronic illness and medication turning teeth to chalk? Lets get bespoke.
  • Ex-bulimic with bleeding gums and an hyper-sensitive gag reflex? Lets get tailormade.
  • Busy mother with one child out of four whose teeth are decaying?  Lets get specific.

2. Ongoing support to implement and integrate your unique plan into your daily life, when daily life includes exotic holidays, bouts of flu or crazy work deadlines.  It’s all very well to have a plan but if you don’t follow it, nothing’s gonna change! So you get:

  • Accountabilty
  • Encouragement
  • Problem-solving
  • Your specific questions answered in detail

3. Intuitive healing that makes the difference when you’ve tried all the tips on the blog for weeks and your teeth are still giving you grief. The role of emotions, thoughts, epigenetics and so on is often the missing puzzle piece of your healing. Working with me allows you to:

  • Explore the emotional, psychological, spiritual and ancestral influences on your oral health
  • Receive a channeled embroidered codes to support integration and activation of healing in your energetic body
  • Get a personalised guided visualisation.

Also it’s fun! The Holistic Tooth Fairy approach to oral health adds pleasure and relaxation to your life (because, trust me, your teeth and gums want you to feel good).

You don’t have to do it alone

It’s not hard to learn about holistic strategies for healing your teeth.

Integrating them consistently into your life in order to get the desired results is more difficult.

That’s why people who work with me consistently are the ones most likely to actually succeed in stabilizing receding gums, remineraliing cavities, whitening enamel and straightening teeth.

If you have tried to do it on your own and aren’t getting the results you want, I can help.

Check out the menu of Holistic Tooth Fairy experiences, with four ways to get me on your teeth healing team.

Book in now for a free 15 minute video assessment, to see if holistic teeth and gum health coaching is a good fit for what you need.

Meliors Simms headshot

Hello! I'm Meliors Simms, the Holistic Tooth Fairy.

As a natural oral health coach I have worked with hundreds of clients worldwide to avoid unnecessary dental procedures and have better experiences with the necessary ones. (Find out about my coaching services here).

After a diverse career (from research to counselling to arts) and a lifetime of terrible teeth, I stumbled on an Alt Oral approach which prevented what would have been my 7th root canal.

That inspired years of independent research and experimentation, eventually resulting in my uniquely holistic approach to oral health.

My new book The Secret Lives of Teeth is a comprehensive guide to healing teeth and gums with metaphysical perspective. Read a sample here for free



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