Home remedies and dental decisions

Seven natural self help strageties for teeth and gum relief

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Yoga for Receding Gums

Yoga for Receding Gums

Most people are so used to carrying tension in their jaw that they aren’t even aware of it.This easy yoga hack can be incorporated into any level of practice. It is good for your teeth and gums because relaxing those muscles allows blood to flow more freely, carrying nutrients and oxygen to the teeth and gums. It also helps make sure that you am not clenching your teeth, which puts pressure on the enamel.

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Getting Root Canals

Getting Root Canals

The root canal is a controversial dental procedure yet most dentists continue to recommend root canals without hesitation while other dentists believe all root canals should be removed. I believe that because everyone is unique, with different combinations of genetics, lifestyle, dental history, family histories, personal health, budgets and priorities there can be no simple answer to the question ‘should I get a root canal’. That’s why I’ve developed a checklist designed to help tease out the aspects of your unique situation that may have a bearing on your root canal decision. 

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Sexy, sacred teeth healing diet

Sexy, sacred teeth healing diet

Here’s a romantic gesture that doesn’t involve setting sensitive teeth on edge with a box of chocolates. Before sugar became the way to seduce a sweetheart, some of the foods most associated with sexuality, virility and fertility are now recognized as teeth healing. And the most powerful teeth healing foods are those which indigenous cultures called sacred because of their association with fertility, growth and life force.

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Stop tooth decay naturally

Stop tooth decay naturally

Holistic teeth healing is different from almost all the dental advice you’ve ever received.  It starts from the principle that the health of our teeth and gums is tied to the health of the rest of our body, in a two way interaction. In order, to understand holistic teeth healing strategies, you really have to understand how teeth, and the rest of your body, are connected.

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About The Holistic Tooth Fairy

Meliors Simms, aka Holistic Tooth Fairy, can help you take charge of your own oral health with natural, intuitive and complementary strategies to relieving toothache pain, curing cavities, preventing tooth decay, stabilizing receding gums and curing gum disease. Visit 'Work With Me' to apply for a free assessment this week.