Home remedies and dental decisions

Seven natural self help strageties for teeth and gum relief

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Pleasurable eating: Foods that relieve tooth sensitivity

Pleasurable eating: Foods that relieve tooth sensitivity

Sensitive and tentative I had just walked for two blissful hours along a beautiful coastline on a hot summer’s day and arrived at a beachside cafe famous for its homemade ice creams. Taking my time to select a scoop each of lemon sorbet and salted caramel, I carried...

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Could oil pulling put you at risk?

Could oil pulling put you at risk?

The surprising origins* of oil pulling *updated September 2021 Oil pulling may be an effective way to clean your teeth and gums very thoroughly by swishing a spoonful of oil around your mouth so that it absorbs bacteria and toxins, then spitting it out. It's believed...

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How I quit sugar without effort, withdrawals or cravings

How I quit sugar without effort, withdrawals or cravings

I stopped eating sugar (fructose) 2.5 years ago, without effort, withdrawals or regret.Before that I was a famous baker of delicious cakes and cookies because I practiced often (and ate my own baking). I was greedy with chocolate. I snacked on dried fruit and guzzled fruit juices.   I ate candy, even when it hurt.

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Are nuts driving your tooth decay?

Are nuts driving your tooth decay?

Cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds all contain phytic acid which is implicated in both tooth decay and gum recession. People who are genetically or otherwise vulnerable to dental caries and gingivitis should avoid or only consume limited amounts of these foods with careful preparation and accompanied by other nutrients that will aid digestion.

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Learning to love liver to prevent a root canal

Learning to love liver to prevent a root canal

For a genuine super-food, liver gets a very bad rap. Most people, when I recommend liver as a essential teeth and gum healing food, grimace and shudder at thought of eating this most accessible of offal.  However, when I ask if they think they could bear to eat pâté, they will often relax.

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Paying for a Hollywood smile- The real cost of veneers

Paying for a Hollywood smile- The real cost of veneers

Porcelain veneers are responsible for many perfect Hollywood smiles, but they come at a cost… not only to your bank balance but also to the integrity and long-term health of your teeth.  Before you invest in this form of cosmetic dentistry, be sure to ask some searching questions, both of your dentist and yourself.

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10 common oral hygiene mistakes

10 common oral hygiene mistakes

Are you using the wrong kind of toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash or floss? How’s your tongue scraping technique? Should you really be oil pulling? And what if you have been making some of these common teeth cleaning mistakes? What can you do about it now?

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Is there a Spiritual Meaning to Your Toothache?

Is there a Spiritual Meaning to Your Toothache?

Learning to listen, and to trust, your intuition can play a significant role in holistic teeth healing.  Knowing how to read your own body and trust your own thinking can enable you to be communicate your boundaries and priorities more effectively to your dentist. 

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Removing Root Canals

Removing Root Canals

If you have an existing root canal should you get it removed? How can you know if its safe? What are the symptoms of a toxic root canal? 

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About The Holistic Tooth Fairy

Meliors Simms, aka Holistic Tooth Fairy, can help you take charge of your own oral health with natural, intuitive and complementary strategies to relieving toothache pain, curing cavities, preventing tooth decay, stabilizing receding gums and curing gum disease. Visit 'Work With Me' to apply for a free assessment this week.