Strong Oral Health On a Plant Based Diet

Strong Oral Health On a Plant Based Diet

Can you cure cavities and gum disease holistically on a vegan or plant-based diet?

Whether you are strictly vegan, vegetarian, dairy-free or just minimizing meat, there are a suite of holistic strategies that you can use to cure and prevent cavities. 

It’s common for vegans or those on other meat-less diets to be looking for holistic teeth healing solutions that allow them to cure cavities and improve their oral health, without compromising their commitment to a plant-based diet.

In this article, I’ll use the term ‘vegan’ but the information really applies to anyone. It is particularly helpful for those on any kind of restrictive diet and it is important to know that because there are a variety of options don’t let anyone tell you that you have to bend on the values around what you eat, though you may need to change up the specific foods you eat and the frequency in which you eat certain things.

In the video below, I use the game of Jenga to demonstrate how different influences in your unique situation give you more, or less, resilient teeth, and what you can do to make your teeth stronger to help cure cavities.

cure cavities on a vegan diet

Why your teeth may give you trouble.

What causes cavities?

There are lots of reasons why some people’s teeth stay strong and healthy no matter what they eat, or don’t eat, yet others (like me) have teeth that are prone to decay, no matter how hard we try to take care of them well.

Vulnerability and resilience to cavities

The health of your teeth and gums is influenced by earlier generations’ health, diet, stress and events.

Any stressful experiences in your own life experience as a baby, child, adolescent and adult accumulate their affect on your teeth as you get older.

The particular nutrients you’ve consumed or not consumed at different points in your life, from the moment of conception until today, play a role.

Environmental influences on cavities

Pregnancy and motherhood, especially long periods of breastfeeding more than one child can really deplete your teeth’s resilience.

Environmental toxins including fluoridated water, GM foods and exposure to pesticide and toxins in your own body including old dental work may influence the current and future health of your teeth.

All or any of the following factors (and more) can also influence whether your teeth are able to stay strong on a plant-based diet:

  • illness
  • medications
  • recreational drugs (including tobacco and alcohol)
  • lip or tongue piercings
  • long-periods of travel or even short periods of homelessness
  • relationship break-ups
  • job losses
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • loneliness

How to cure cavities on a vegan diet

It is possible to heal your teeth holistically without compromising your commitment to a plant-based diet.

Because there are so many potential factors influencing your vulnerability to decay, there are also many potential ways to increase the strength of your teeth and gums.

The more demands placed by your current lifestyle, the more stress and strain you place on your teeth (e.g. motherhood), the more important a multi-faceted approach becomes.

Vegan diet hacks that can help to cure cavities

  • Minimize phytic acid from grains, beans, nuts and seeds
  • Eliminate sugars including dried fruit and juice
  • Eat lots of organic, fresh vegetables
  • Add minerals from sea vegetables, supplements and/or cell salts
  • Add Vitamin K2 from fermented foods especially natto
  • Add high quality, cold-pressed fats
  • Use herbs such as black walnut
  • Drink spring water
  • Use a good sea salt or Himalayan salt


4 pillars of the Holistic Tooth Fairy (no matter what your diet)

Can you be just as whole-heartedly consistent with all 4 pillars of the Holistic Tooth Fairy Way as you are to your vegan or vegetarian identity?

In practice, this means:

  • Relaxing and stretching your jaw every day,
  • Honestly and courageously addressing underlying emotional or environmental influences on your oral health, however uncomfortable,
  • Gentle, appropriate oral hygiene rituals every day
  • Mindfully eating the foods and supplements that nourish your teeth and gums every day (and avoiding those which don’t support your healing).
cure cavities on a vegan diet

Other holistic strategies to help cure cavities

Vegans who are vulnerable to cavities due to accumulated influences not only need to ensure you are getting the best possible teeth healing nutrients through your diet, you also need to to incorporate additional holistic strategies.

  • Do guided meditations for teeth healing
  • Don’t sleep with your cell phone
  • Don’t use drugs or medications that inhibit your mineral uptake
  • Do investigate meridian connections between cavities and the rest of your body
  • Don’t get a tongue or lip piercing
  • Don’t use alcohol based mouthwash
  • Do research before getting dental work
  • Do use your intuition to ask your body for guidance on how to get rid of cavities
  • Do be consistent with the best oral self-care routine for you


What are you going to implement first to prioritise your oral health?


Meliors Simms headshot

Hello! I'm Meliors Simms, the Holistic Tooth Fairy.

As a natural oral health coach I have worked with hundreds of clients worldwide to avoid unnecessary dental procedures and have better experiences with the necessary ones. (Find out about my coaching services here).

After a diverse career (from research to counselling to arts) and a lifetime of terrible teeth, I stumbled on an Alt Oral approach which prevented what would have been my 7th root canal.

That inspired years of independent research and experimentation, eventually resulting in my uniquely holistic approach to oral health.

My new book The Secret Lives of Teeth is a comprehensive guide to healing teeth and gums with metaphysical perspective. Read a sample here for free



Floss Picks- Why I hate them!

Today I'm answering a reader's question about why I don't like floss picks. I feel I should warn you that I wrote this without mincing my words! From the Chamber of Oral Hygiene Horrors. It's pretty hard to pick the WORST oral hygiene tool on the market today because...

10 common oral hygiene mistakes

Are you making any of these ten common mistakes with your daily oral hygiene routine? 1. Brushing too vigorously Brushing your teeth too hard can wear away at the enamel, especially if you have weak teeth. Hard brushing can also contribute to gum recession and gum...

Your Own Oral Unawareness

What's your level of oral unawareness? Are you someone who rarely looks inside your mouth, at least not further than the front teeth that show when you smile? Do you pay attention to how your teeth and gums feel when there’s no discomfort? When your teeth feel...

Prevent gingivitis with the Art of Sensual Flossing

Prevent gingivitis with the Art of Sensual Flossing

Did you know that gingivits, along with later stages of gum disease, is one of the known markers of heart disease, as well as associated with a number of other conditions including diabetes and Alzheimers? Gum disease is primarily the result of a lack of balanced minerals and other nutrients in your diet. Stress can play a significant role. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and adolescent growth spurts all put extra demands on the body that can lead to gum loss. When these factors are at play, gums are vulnerable to the otherwise harmless bacteria in our mouth.

Along with dietary improvements, regular flossing can help to prevent receding gums, gingivitis, gum pockets and gum disease.

If you avoid flossing your teeth because you don’t like how it feels, you are probably doing it wrong. With the right floss and correct technique flossing is pleasurable as well as healthy!

Watch me demonstrate my feel-good flossing method in this short video.

If you avoid regular flossing because your gums bleed try the flossing technique demonstrated in this video. And if your gums don’t stop after a few days of regular flossing, it’s an indication that the bleeding is caused by systemic problems that need to be addressed holistically.  When we are in good health and getting appropriate nutrients, our gums are resilient to the bacteria that is part of our mouth’s ecosystem.
Sensual Flossing

Recommended Reading

For more excellent information about oral care at home I highly recommend the book Holistic Dental Care: The complete guide to healthy teeth and gums by Nadine Artemis.

I love recommending books and I love the Book Depository so I have partnered with them for my recommendations. If you choose to purchase through my link I may receive a commission. Win win! Yay!

Sensual Flossing
Meliors Simms headshot

Hello! I'm Meliors Simms, the Holistic Tooth Fairy.

As a natural oral health coach I have worked with hundreds of clients worldwide to avoid unnecessary dental procedures and have better experiences with the necessary ones. (Find out about my coaching services here).

After a diverse career (from research to counselling to arts) and a lifetime of terrible teeth, I stumbled on an Alt Oral approach which prevented what would have been my 7th root canal.

That inspired years of independent research and experimentation, eventually resulting in my uniquely holistic approach to oral health.

My new book The Secret Lives of Teeth is a comprehensive guide to healing teeth and gums with metaphysical perspective. Read a sample here for free



Floss Picks- Why I hate them!

Today I'm answering a reader's question about why I don't like floss picks. I feel I should warn you that I wrote this without mincing my words! From the Chamber of Oral Hygiene Horrors. It's pretty hard to pick the WORST oral hygiene tool on the market today because...

10 common oral hygiene mistakes

Are you making any of these ten common mistakes with your daily oral hygiene routine? 1. Brushing too vigorously Brushing your teeth too hard can wear away at the enamel, especially if you have weak teeth. Hard brushing can also contribute to gum recession and gum...

Your Own Oral Unawareness

What's your level of oral unawareness? Are you someone who rarely looks inside your mouth, at least not further than the front teeth that show when you smile? Do you pay attention to how your teeth and gums feel when there’s no discomfort? When your teeth feel...

10 common oral hygiene mistakes

10 common oral hygiene mistakes

Are you making any of these ten common mistakes with your daily oral hygiene routine?

teeth cleaning mistake

1. Brushing too vigorously

Brushing your teeth too hard can wear away at the enamel, especially if you have weak teeth. Hard brushing can also contribute to gum recession and gum disease.

Instead of scrubbing your teeth like you are cleaning a kitchen floor, imagine you are gently polishing antique silver plate. 

Try to hold your toothbrush with the tips of your fingers very close to the toothbrush head (like a fancy lady sipping from her bone china teacup). With your fine-motor skills in play it is much easier to brush gently than if you are gripping the end of the brush in your fist.

Ideally, you can brush so lightly that even after 6 months your toothbrush bristles still look brand new!

Check out this post for better brushing techniques.


teeth cleaning mistake

2. Using fluoride toothpaste

Contrary to what lobbyists and marketers would have us believe, fluoride does not prevent tooth decay and may damage gums. The (limited and outdated) research used to support their claims was done using naturally occurring fluoride rather than the toxic byproduct of aluminium manufacturing which is in our water and toothpaste. There is substantial evidence that fluoride is a neurotoxin which accumulates in the body disrupting collagen production and reducing enzyme activity.

Other ingredients to avoid in toothpaste include proplylen glycol, triclosan, FD&C colour pigments, trisodium phosphate, glycerin, carbomer and carragen. Artificial sweetners such as saccharin, sorbitol and xylitol may be harmful if swallowed. Detergents and surfactants (which create foam) including socium laureth sulfate (SLES), sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS, ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS)  and ammonium laureth sulfate (ALES) are known hormone and endocrine disruptors and may also be carciogenic and gene mutagens. SLS in particular is known to cause bleeding gums.

Check out my YouTube series of short videos about toothpaste ingredients. 

Read the ingredients before you buy a toothpaste, or make your own.

One of my favorite homemade toothpastes is coconut oil and baking soda, sometimes with a drop of essential oil.

It doesn’t foam, and it tastes quite salty making me produce lots of saliva, so brushing is a messy job. But it leaves my mouth feeling very clean. Because baking soda can be abrasive I don’t recommend using it every single time you brush (see #5).


teeth cleaning mistake

3. Scraping only the front of your tongue

Tongue scraping is a great way to keep your breath smelling sweet. You can buy a special tongue scraper at a health shop or just use the edge of a spoon.

Scrape your tongue from back to front to remove the coating of microbes and mucus that migrate up the alimentary canal, especially at night (causing morning breath). Most of the coating is at the back of the tongue so reach as far back as you can.

Rinse the coating off the scraper or spoon with hot water and repeat until your tongue is clean (i.e. nothing is coming off on the scraper). Usually two or three scrapes is enough.


teeth cleaning mistake

4. Bleaching your teeth

Bleaching teeth at the dentist or with a kit will gradually eat away at your enamel, making your teeth ultimately more vulnerable to staining, as well as cavities. Bleaching really shouldn’t be used if you have amalgam fillings because the chemicals interact with the metal fillings and may release mercury into your system.

The blinding white smiles you see on magazine models and movie stars are from veneers (or Photoshop), not from bleaching. The safest and most sustainable way to the whitest teeth is by eating a teeth healing diet with plenty of the right minerals and fat-soluble vitamins. 

That’s because the whiteness of your teeth comes from dentin which is the layer of underneath your enamel. Strong, hard, healthy enamel is naturally translucent and reveals the healthy white dentin below.

‘Natural’ whitening methods like activated charcoal, baking soda or turmeric all work more gently but are still slightly abrasive and are shouldn’t be used every day (see #4). Oil pulling can help whiten teeth too (but could be risky if you have amalgam fillings, see #6).


teeth cleaning mistake

5. Using an abrasive toothpaste every day

Many toothpastes, both big brands and health store alternatives, contain abrasive ingredients such as calcium carbonate, hydrated silica, benonite clay, salt, baking soda or activated charcoal. Unless you have very sensitive teeth or soft enamel it’s ok to use these ingredients, but probably not every day. Give your teeth a break and brush without abrasion more often.

You can buy an abrasive-free toothpaste or you can make your own. You can even brush with just coconut oil or water or even a dry brush with a drop of essential oil. Your brushing technique is really more important that what you put on your brush (see #1 and #10).

teeth cleaning mistake

6. Oil pulling with amalgams

Oil pulling can be a wonderful way to deep clean your teeth and gums. You simply put a tablespoon of cold-pressed oil such as coconut (best for teeth) or sesame (best for gums) in your mouth and swish it around for 5-20 minutes before spitting it out. Don’t spit down a drain though- it will clog. And definitely don’t swallow!

However, there is a unknown risk that oil pulling may release mercury from amalgam (metal or black) fillings into your system. There is no research to confirm whether this an actual risk or not, but given that oil pulling works by pulling toxins out of your mouth, and mercury is a toxin, I think its worth taking into consideration.  

Check out this post about oil pulling.

teeth cleaning mistake

7. Using a hard bristled toothbrush

When it comes to tooth brushes, the softer the better! Hard bristles can damage teeth enamel and gums.

Abrading your gums with hard bristles can break the surface allowing bacteria from your mouth enter your bloodstream and potentially cause inflammation in your gut, heart or lungs.

If you have receding or bleeding gums you really need to use soft round tipped bristles and brush very very gently.

You can soften your toothbrush even more by running it under hot water before you start brushing.


teeth cleaning mistake

8. Cutting your gums when you floss

If your teeth are very close together, and you have to push hard to get floss between them, you risk cutting into your gums with regular dental floss. Try swapping for a dental tape or dental ribbon with a flat surface so it is gentler on your gums.  Check out this video demonstrating how to floss correctly.

Interdental brushes (Piksters is one brand) are ideal if you have gums prone to bleeding and your teeth aren’t crowded to closely. Interdental brushes look like tiny bottle brushes and are used for cleaning the triangular gap between two teeth and the gum.

Poke the brush in that gap and gently rub away the fermentable carbohydrates and plaque.

Or, go high tech and try water flossing with an oral irrigator (like a waterpik). It’s a gentle and effective way to clean between teeth, around the gum line and even into gum pockets. A waterpik is a good solution for anyone prone to frequently bleeding gums.

teeth cleaning mistake

9. Using an alcohol based mouthwash

Ethanol is the main ingredient in most mouthwashes. Aside from being very drying, alcohol-based mouthwashes are known to cause oral cancer.

Keep your mouth fresh and healthy by rinsing with salt water or a sage rinse.

Check out this video demonstrating how to make a simple natural mouthwash.


teeth cleaning mistake

 10. Getting bored

Rushing through the same mindless routine morning and night does your teeth and gums no favors. Here are some suggestions to help you to enjoy taking your time to brush and floss mindfully.

  • Brush with a buddy. You might not be able to chat while you are brushing but some friendly companionship can help with FOMO while you are in the bathroom taking care of your teeth.
  • Change up your flavours. Switch between different toothpastes  and tooth powders. Experiment with a variety of essential oils on your floss. Have a couple of different rinses to choose from.
  • Time and track. Put on a timer to spend 10 minutes on your teeth morning and night. Mark the calendar with an X or put a sticker on a chart and try to fill a whole month without missing a day.
  • Environmental improvement. Make your bathroom a more enjoyable place to hang out in with flowers, candles or crystals.
  • Listen up. Put on your favorite music, podcast or audio book and enjoy some distraction
  • Be mindful. Listen to a recording of a guided meditation or affirmations.

Forgive your mistakes

What if you have been making one or more of the mistakes on this list?

First of all, its never too late to change your oral care habits.  But more importantly please don’t beat yourself up about it.

The best thing you can do for yourself and your teeth is to be kind.

Too often we have a difficult time paying attention to our teeth because we feel bad about:

  • how they look or feel;
  • how we’ve treated them in the past;
  • how they have been mistreated by rough dentistry.

Your teeth cleaning time is the best time to think loving thoughts towards your teeth and gums, and forgive yourself any imperfections.   Try using this mantra adapted from the beautiful Hawaiian forgiveness prayer called Ho’oponopono. Direct love and gratitude towards your teeth as you think these words:

I am sorry.

I love you.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

For more excellent information about oral care at home I highly recommend the book Holistic Dental Care: The complete guide to healthy teeth and gums by Nadine Artemis.

I love recommending books and I love the Book Depository so I have partnered with them for my recommendations. If you choose to purchase through my link I may receive a commission. Win win! Yay!

Meliors Simms headshot

Hello! I'm Meliors Simms, the Holistic Tooth Fairy.

As a natural oral health coach I have worked with hundreds of clients worldwide to avoid unnecessary dental procedures and have better experiences with the necessary ones. (Find out about my coaching services here).

After a diverse career (from research to counselling to arts) and a lifetime of terrible teeth, I stumbled on an Alt Oral approach which prevented what would have been my 7th root canal.

That inspired years of independent research and experimentation, eventually resulting in my uniquely holistic approach to oral health.

My new book The Secret Lives of Teeth is a comprehensive guide to healing teeth and gums with metaphysical perspective. Read a sample here for free



Floss Picks- Why I hate them!

Today I'm answering a reader's question about why I don't like floss picks. I feel I should warn you that I wrote this without mincing my words! From the Chamber of Oral Hygiene Horrors. It's pretty hard to pick the WORST oral hygiene tool on the market today because...

10 common oral hygiene mistakes

Are you making any of these ten common mistakes with your daily oral hygiene routine? 1. Brushing too vigorously Brushing your teeth too hard can wear away at the enamel, especially if you have weak teeth. Hard brushing can also contribute to gum recession and gum...

Your Own Oral Unawareness

What's your level of oral unawareness? Are you someone who rarely looks inside your mouth, at least not further than the front teeth that show when you smile? Do you pay attention to how your teeth and gums feel when there’s no discomfort? When your teeth feel...