What to eat for oral health

Feed Your Teeth Guide

A guide to the foods that heal and prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

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How I quit sugar without effort, withdrawals or cravings

How I quit sugar without effort, withdrawals or cravings

I stopped eating sugar (fructose) 2.5 years ago, without effort, withdrawals or regret.Before that I was a famous baker of delicious cakes and cookies because I practiced often (and ate my own baking). I was greedy with chocolate. I snacked on dried fruit and guzzled fruit juices.   I ate candy, even when it hurt.

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Are nuts driving your tooth decay?

Are nuts driving your tooth decay?

Cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds all contain phytic acid which is implicated in both tooth decay and gum recession. People who are genetically or otherwise vulnerable to dental caries and gingivitis should avoid or only consume limited amounts of these foods with careful preparation and accompanied by other nutrients that will aid digestion.

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Learning to love liver to prevent a root canal

Learning to love liver to prevent a root canal

For a genuine super-food, liver gets a very bad rap. Most people, when I recommend liver as a essential teeth and gum healing food, grimace and shudder at thought of eating this most accessible of offal.  However, when I ask if they think they could bear to eat pâté, they will often relax.

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Cure Tooth Decay- The Bible of nutritional teeth healing

Cure Tooth Decay- The Bible of nutritional teeth healing

Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition by Ramiel Nagel (2012) is the one of the most influential books of my voracious reading life. Not only did it save my teeth from their chronic and rapid decline, but it also cracked open the door that eventually led to my career as the Holistic Tooth Fairy. 

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Living teeth need living food

Living teeth need living food

The approach to a teeth healing that I advocate involves getting nutrients in their original context, from eating real food.  The isolated nutrients in supplements, especially when synthesised rather than extracted, lack the complex synergies and the activating qualities available only in whole foods and combinations of foods. These synergies and activating qualities enable our bodies to turn the nutrients we eat into the hormones and proteins that teeth and gums need to be strong and healthy.

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Getting Root Canals

Getting Root Canals

The root canal is a controversial dental procedure yet most dentists continue to recommend root canals without hesitation while other dentists believe all root canals should be removed. I believe that because everyone is unique, with different combinations of genetics, lifestyle, dental history, family histories, personal health, budgets and priorities there can be no simple answer to the question ‘should I get a root canal’. That’s why I’ve developed a checklist designed to help tease out the aspects of your unique situation that may have a bearing on your root canal decision. 

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Sexy, sacred teeth healing diet

Sexy, sacred teeth healing diet

Here’s a romantic gesture that doesn’t involve setting sensitive teeth on edge with a box of chocolates. Before sugar became the way to seduce a sweetheart, some of the foods most associated with sexuality, virility and fertility are now recognized as teeth healing. And the most powerful teeth healing foods are those which indigenous cultures called sacred because of their association with fertility, growth and life force.

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Stop tooth decay naturally

Stop tooth decay naturally

Holistic teeth healing is different from almost all the dental advice you’ve ever received.  It starts from the principle that the health of our teeth and gums is tied to the health of the rest of our body, in a two way interaction. In order, to understand holistic teeth healing strategies, you really have to understand how teeth, and the rest of your body, are connected.

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About The Holistic Tooth Fairy

Meliors Simms, aka Holistic Tooth Fairy, can help you take charge of your own oral health with natural, intuitive and complementary strategies to relieving toothache pain, curing cavities, preventing tooth decay, stabilizing receding gums and curing gum disease. Visit 'Work With Me' to apply for a free assessment this week.